(That's alright.) Alexei stayed in place his eyes thinning a bit more when she got close enough to where he was standing as if to say, 'do not dare to get closer'. He coughs softly as he found his voice which he hasn't used in many years. "I am not lost." He said simply his voice sounding a bit rough from misuse. "I am just on my way to the town now." He then snorts hearing her say the forest belonged to the college. "Let them continue to think that they can own something wild. It will bite them in the ass when the time comes." He said speaking his mind on the matter. Natalie entered a random classroom holding her head trying to clear it of the massive migraine she now had. When she finally turned around she noticed that it had another student in there and probably wasn't supposed to be there. She'd apologize later when her head stopped killing her. She breathed in through her mouth quietly as she thought of something else to distract her headache. "Sorry..." She finally managed quietly. "Massive headache."