[@AcaciaMalikov] " [color=f7941d]Victoria.[/color] " He tested the name out on his tongue and found that he really like it. Dyami had met many a person named Victoria in his life ( occupational hazard ), but this one was special; and by all rights, it should be. Taking her hand and shaking it, he introduced himself. " [color=f7941d]Dyami Iwatoke, M.D. But I suppose you already knew that.[/color] " He chuckled a little bit and opened his mouth to ask her if she wanted to go get something to eat because he was starving, but he was interrupted by someone ( or rather; some[i]ones[/i] ), calling his name. Turning to look at Chris and Denise ( one of the nurses ), who looked a little worse for the wear, his hand left the warmth of Victoria's and put that same hand on Chris' shoulder. " [color=f7941d]Did something happen?[/color] " " Well; not really, but we just wanted to let you know we called in some back-up. " " [color=f7941d]Are we really that understaffed today? I'm sure that having Gibbins, Doyle, Welch, you, Jones, Andrews, Geraldo, and me would be enough.[/color] " " Well, we wanted to let you take the rest of the day off, and we had intended on giving you the whole day off, but with no other Trauma Surgeons who are as close by as you; we had no choice but to call you in. I'm really glad I did though, because that woman is going to be in and out for a little while, but she's definitely going to make it. " Running a hand through his hair, Dyami sighed and then made a scribbling motion with his free hand. Chris immediately handed over his prescription pad and Dyami wrote down what he wanted Chris to give her, as well as the doses. Tearing off the sheet, he gave it back to Chris and pointed at the top line. " [color=f7941d]Make sure you only give her that [i]after[/i] she wakes up. If you give it to her before she wakes up, it could some irreversible damage and we need her to be conscious to tell us if anything is wrong.[/color] " " You got it. Anything else? " " [color=f7941d]Yeah. In addition to those medications, I need you to check on her neck tracheotomy incision and make sure that no infection starts to build. The worst possible thing for a tracheotomy incision is infection because it will attack the vocal chords and it will make them permanently mute.[/color] " He continued talking for a few more minutes, and after Chris and Denise left, Dyami let out a breath and rubbed at his eyes. They were slightly red from lack of sleep, and he wasn't sure whether or not taking her out to eat would be such a good idea; especially if he ended up falling asleep halfway through. " [color=f7941d]I really hate to spring this on you; but since you look like you could do with a nap as well, do you mind coming back with me to my place? I'll give you full access to everything in my house, well except for my medical equipment. I wouldn't want you to injure yourself.[/color] " Pointing off to the west, he made several gestures with his pointer finger as if giving directions. " [color=f7941d]My place is within walking distance and you're welcome to bring Kubik; as long as he doesn't mind making friends with Larry. Larry will stay in his enclosure though, because I'm not sure how you feel about snakes.[/color] " Good lord; he was so tired he was rambling. He was in serious need of an extremely caffeinated beverage ( or two ), or a nice nap.