Alvin managed to come in at just the right time to get an axe swung at him, luckily this bandit wasn't particularly skilled and the prince himself was remarkably quick. He heard Marwood's protest at his intervention and could only reply one way. "The others don't NEED my help, that's the issue here. Anyways we're bringing lances to an axe fight so two should make up for it." His logic was shaky at best but still, it would have to do. Alvin gripped his lance with both hands, guiding Medea with his knees and trusting her instincts on where they needed to be. The wyvern let out a low roar as she took of, flying over the fighter. Alvin took his chance, leaping out of the saddle and landing next to the fighter opposite Marwood lance in hand and poised to strike. "I believe we have you surrounded." The prince informed the bandit as Medea landed on another side, teeth bared and a low snarl resounding through her body.