Finn was, predictably, still determined to make Eli's life more difficult than it should be. The priest couldn't help but shrink a little when the taller man stared down at him. At first, he felt exasperated that Finn wasn't going to accept Christ, even when it was something that the judge and the other townsfolk would certainly look for. Sharp words were waiting to leap from the tip of his tongue but Eli made sure he kept his mouth shut. He didn't want to instigate another candid speech nor aggravate Finn any further. "You could at least pretend when the others visit," Eli muttered under his breathe after Finn retreated downstairs. He pawed at his hair, attempting to tame his wild curls. "The Judge'll have my hide in no time." Already planning his escape back to Boston, he meekly slipped back into his room with a worried expression. Maybe he could strike up a deal with Finn later. Pretend to love Christ, let Eli live another year, and then he could go back to his evil ways when the Judge deemed Finn socially acceptable. Eli suddenly froze, his eyes wide open as he gazed at the dust particles slowly falling to the floor. He then pursed his lips and sank to his knees to pray for forgiveness. A good while later, Eli was stiffly going down the stairs dressed in his clerical clothes. The constant kneeling did a good number on his knees and back. He already lost his appetite and even though he had a good nights sleep, he was exhausted. The half-dead priest took a seat at the kitchen table, his hands neatly folded in front of him. What should he do now? Befriend more townsfolk, somehow work with Finn, and - He blinked a few times, an image of a half-naked Finn burned into his retinas. Buy clothes. Eli doubted that his own clothes would be able to cover Finn's body properly. He sighed. "Is there anything specific you'd like to do today?" Eli asked, treading carefully.