[b]Name: [/b] Andri Perrin [b]Species: [/b] Epicanthix [b]Age: [/b] 36 [b]Gender: [/b] Female [b]Faction: [/b]Jedi Order [b]Rank: [/b] Knight [b]Captive? [/b] Yes [h2]Appearance: [/h2] At 193cm tall, Andri is shorter than average for her people but still taller than most humans. She has thick black hair usually tied back in a loose bun and dark brown eyes, a rounded face with a strong nose and a wide mouth and darkly tanned skin. Her build is lithe and wiry, with no real defining curves to show beneath her robes. [hider=image][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/b0/8b/08/b08b08fea7d916d37d0c51f71668e4f9.jpg[/img][/hider] [h2]Notable Characteristics of Species: [/h2] Epicanthix are immune to Force-assisted mental trick, influence, domination and mind reading. Epicanthix are identifiable by the epicanthic fold of their eyelids. [h2]Flaws: [/h2] Often blinds herself to the flaws or darkness of others, wanting to believe the best in people. She gives chances to everyone, no matter how many times they have betrayed her or others in the past. Doesn’t think long term, living day to day. [h2]Skills: [/h2] Basic field first aid (non-force powered) Diplomacy, politics, history, basic tactics Knitting Highly skilled in Form I: Shii-Cho Adept in Form III: Soresu [h2]Force capabilities: [/h2] Tutaminis (basic) Precognition Mind Trick Breath Control Revitalise Animal Friendship Force Stun [h2]Biography: [/h2] Andri was born on Panatha in the Outer Rim Territories, but not long after her birth her parents moved further into the known galaxy, to Denon. It was due to this that she was picked up at a very early age by the Jedi Order, and whisked away to the Jedi Academy on Alaris Prime. She doesn’t remember much of her parents, being just a toddler when she was taken away from them, and so grew into the Jedi way of life very quickly and easily. Her childhood was one of joy and laughter, enjoying her time playing with the other younglings and learning new things. She struggled to learn the lightsaber combat forms however, showing a much higher natural aptitude for the ways of the Force instead, and was soon guided towards the lifestyle of a Consular and diplomat. She became a Padawan at the age of 10, apprenticing under Jedi Master Ral Shodon. Master Shodon was a stern taskmaster, focusing more on Andri’s prowess in the way of the Jedi than on allowing her to socialise with her agemates. Though her combat abilities never truly grew above average, she learnt Force powers fairly quickly. She was intensely trained in diplomatic endeavours, slowly working out her gullibleness and replacing it with a calm optimism and permanent polite smile. Master Shodon took Andri on a four year training trip to the Republic Elite’s Resort World of Alassa Major, to mingle with the politicians and elite of the galaxy. Her time spent on Alassa Major was anything but relaxing, as she rubbed elbows with the richest and most affluent of society, learning the ins and outs of public relations and politics, whilst still keeping up her rather stringent training in combat, the history of the republic and the Jedi, and ways of the Force. They ended up staying an extra year to work Andri through her naivety and gullibility, teaching the girl to think things through more instead of instantly believing what people say. Andri’s Master declared her ready for Knighthood at the age of 21, eleven years after she entered his apprenticeship. She was Knighted traditionally. The next fifteen years of her life were spent bouncing between diplomatic missions and being a spokesperson between the Jedi Council and the Republic, as Master Shodon had trained her to do. When she felt her Master's death, Andri was shocked and has spent what time she can spare between political missions searching for information on the death of her Master and his apprentice at the time. She was in between missions at the time of the Sacking of Coruscant, readying herself for another trip around the Mid Rim worlds. [h2]Personality and/or Motivation: [/h2] Optimistic and calm, she is always smiling and believes that everything will get better, you just have to believe and keep hope alive. She takes each day as it comes, not really thinking beyond the here and now despite her Master’s attempts to instill some sort of long-term thought process. [h2]Player’s long term goals: [/h2] Keeping morale up for the captive Jedi, have fun! [h2]Relations: [/h2] Jedi Master Ral Shodon - Master. She felt his death two months ago, and has been searching for clues on who killed him since. Lea Rahn - current apprentice of Master Shodon. Andri has met her multiple times but never developed any friendship with the younger girl. She believes the young girl to be deceased due to being with Master Shodon at the time of his death. [h2]Final Point - Secrets: [/h2]