[quote=@Emma] [hider=Lady Wards] [img]http://i.imgur.com/uYdIO5u.png[/img] [u]From left to right[/u] Jaenara Tyrell Alyssa Arryn Robyn Greyjoy Manasa Stark Alianne Tully [/hider] [hider=Little Lord Wards] [img]http://i.imgur.com/0DE2bYL.png[/img] [u]From left to right[/u] Prince Artoran Tritan Sand Beregard Baratheon Willam Lannister Morgan Stark Bernard Mudd --[color=a187be]?idk if he is a Ward or not...?[/color] [/hider] [/quote] That's probably the only time you'll ever see Alyssa in a dress but it actually looks pretty cool to me! :D