Autharyx feels his face break out in a grin before he makes the conscious decision to smile back, but he doesn’t mind. Everything seems to be so… simple with Viltez that he’s less worried about the reflexes his mortal form might or might not have than he’d originally expected. Although, perhals [i]simple[/i] wasn’t the right word. He couldn’t quite put his finger on it, but sometimes he felt like there was something between them that he was missing- something either or both of them seemed to react to but without him knowing exactly what it was. It had been like that during the dinner preparations as well, now that he thinks of it. Several times he could have sworn he felt a prickle of attention at the edge of his awareness, but when he turned to look Viltez had been focused on cooking. It’s probably just another thing that’s different about inhabiting a mortal body, but it still put him on edge a little. Not in a bad way, even though that would probably made sense. He just feels… restless in a way that he often did when thunderclouds were gathering just outside of his reach. As they settle down to eat he pushes it to the back of his mind like the insignificant thing it probably is. The food tasted even better than yesterday, and he hums appreciatively at the sweetness of it. He hadn’t though he would like the taste of old and burnt meat, but the sweetness of it was even better than the sharp tang of blood in his mouth when he hunted in his true form. He couldn’t say anything like that, of course, so he just sticks to a generic compliment as he digs into the rest of his plate. “It’s really good!” The story his host tells is also good, although he doesn’t so much care about the woes of mortals as he does about the obvious joy the other finds in the beauty of the forest. It’s something he can relate to: he is exceptionally proud of his lake and the surrounding woods after all. From what he has seen so far, Viltez has the right to be proud of his territory as well. He knows the half-breed can’t be as connected to it as Autharyx was (is?) to his own lake, but it still feels proper to pay his respects. “I’ve had a lot of fun as well,” he says with a genuine smile. It feels really easy to relax around Viltez, even after only knowing him for such a short time. It’s almost sad that he hasn’t told him his proper name. It’s probably silly, but there is a part of him that wants to hear it from the mortal, in spite or perhaps because of the power there is in a name. It’s an insignificant urge, of course, and he discounts it as such. Besides, he doesn’t want to tell Viltez that he… misrepresented the truth a little. “It’s been… nice,” he continues, slightly distracted by the way Viltez is deliberately not looking at him. The restlessness from before had come back full force when he had caught the half-breed’s eye over the last comment, buzzing under his skin as if there was something he ought to be doing. The tail is back as well, flicking just enough to catch his attention whenever he looks away from it. Or, so he’s probably imagining. It must be because he still has that inconvenient urge to drag his fingers through the soft fur every time it comes close, but he’s determined to be a good guest so he just keeps eating his food. “You’re very light on your feet,” he says instead. Complimenting physical prowess is nearly as good as complimenting his territory after all, and he wants to make sure Viltez knows he is being respectful. “Your tail too- it’s hard to believe you never let it out with how well you can use it.”