[color=7ea7d8]Name:[/color] Howland Morrys [color=7ea7d8]Age:[/color] 19 [color=7ea7d8]Gender:[/color] Male [color=7ea7d8]Species:[/color] Human [color=7ea7d8]Appearance:[/color] Howland is a tall, thin, pale figure who usually stands a half-head taller than most men with high check bones and is nestled with thick brown hair that is often brushed to the side. He also comprised of sharp facial features and cold, blue eyes with thin eyebrows to top them. Howland is also noted for being handsome, but never smiles. [hider=Picture] [img]http://img10.deviantart.net/019b/i/2011/223/f/6/leather_armor_by_karehb-d466otd.jpg[/img] [/hider] [color=7ea7d8]Personality Traits:[/color] Sharp-tongued, quiet, and merciful yet bitter, mainly due to his young arrogance/cockiness. [color=7ea7d8]Bio:[/color] Howland was the third-born son of a large, commoner family and was taught the art of wielding a sword by his older brother, a veteran of war and combat. Howland's father was killed during war and most of his education his self-taught and soon learned to be literate with the help of his older siblings in his peaceful farm somewhere in The Plains. In a few short years that Howland would read any book he would find as little as they appeared although most of which were Adventure books or great epics of Dragon-slaying heroes and ambitious warlords. It was in that moment that he dreamed of being an adventurer and explore the world, but to little avail, he was a commoner farmer who would not likely hold any land of his own or see much of an adventure. However, his peaceful life would not be for long as war would soon rage in the kingdom, calling upon everyone including commoners to be drafted into the war. While his 3 older brothers fought during the war, Howland (who was 13 at the time) was left as "Head of the Household" under it's lord since he was the only suitable male at the time. It was in that moment that Howland learned the responsibilities of "being a man" as his mother told him, he was left in charge to protect the farm from anyone who dared to threaten them. Although guards came to visit from the village near the farm, they were never truly the protection they needed and since the household was left to one boy, bandits soon took this opportunity to raid the farm to seize it's food or resources for themselves. Howland, at the age of 15, his mother, and other relatives (who were mainly either women or underage men) were soon tested as bandits attempted to raid the farm. It was during that raid when he killed his two men in single combat, applying the skills of the art of sword yielding in which his brothers taught him, the third managed to get away with his life but was later found dead from his infections. Sadly however, Howland's mother was fatally injured when being stabbed by a spear during the ensuing violence, it was a year later in which his brothers would return home from war, learning of the terrible news that their mother had died. With the death of his mother and the return of his older brothers, Howland would soon leave his life as a farmer and take his father's sword, running far away into the thick woods. In order that his brothers would not to pursue after him, he left a note to urge them to not follow him. It's been two years already, while Howland spent most of his days travelling the continent, in search for work which later nurtured his skills in sword fighting. There have been successful attempts as well as failures on his end and Howland stills has a lot of learn if he truly wants to be a notable warrior and adventurer like the ones he read so much about in his books. Luckily, he found the Broken Horns, a group of young and ambitious souls with a passion for adventure. [color=7ea7d8]Equipment:[/color] [list] [*] Armor: Howland wears leather armor which is covered a fine silks and a cape to protect him from the harsh, cold mountains. A thick hide of black boots are placed around his feet which is made of leather and fur. Behind the armor, lies a fine, silk shirt which is mainly made of material which can stop arrows from having the arrowhead digging into the flesh, it is an ancient armor which was passed down from a line of predecessors. Rather than have the arrow itself dig into the flesh, the arrow is dug into the shirt which tears the flesh but doesn't tough the skin itself which prevents the arrowhead from ripping flesh when it's pulled out. [*] Jewelry: His mother's gold necklace and a ring of healing which was given to him by a group of white mages. [*] Weapons: Yeoman Longbow (along with 30 arrows), Steel Long-sword of his father, a Long Dagger with a decorated, dragon shaped hilt, 3 Knifes which are safely hidden somewhere underneath his armor for protection, and a ring of healing used to help cast healing spells that is tightly wrapped around his right ring finger. [*] Survival items: Flint, healing scrolls, strings (for trap-making). [/list] [color=7ea7d8]Abilities:[/color] Decent swordsman and is competent with a long bow, Howland is mainly self-taught but most of his affinity comes from his older brothers and constant hours of sparing, although he's killed a few man. He also knows a few, minor healing spells he learned from run-ins with mages. [color=7ea7d8]Goals:[/color] To forget about his past, to live young and venture far out into the world in search of future wisdom. [color=7ea7d8]Reason for Joining the Broken Horns:[/color] As Howland grew older, he realized that he never pursued his life as an adventurer and surly his talents with a sword would earn him a way in achieving his childhood dream after internally excruciating moments of bleak despair of boredom that was his home, apart from the feelings of self-blame to protect his mother. The thought joining the Broken Horns would serve as a chance to give him a chance of adventure and what spoils of treasure came with it, if any at all in order to help him forget what was done in the past.