[center][color=0072bc]TRUNK'S POV[/color] Trunks smirked. "[color=0072bc]Well, I guess since I cannot get you all to follow me, I'll tell you my reasons. Right here, right now.[/color]" He leaned up against a support beam with crossed legs and began to speak again. "[color=0072bc]There has been two warrior messing with the essence of time, simply put. We don't know who they are, but we plan to find out and put a stop to their heinous crimes. Last week, they attempted to kill Son Goku, right before he went in to kill the Demon King Piccolo. We barely stopped that.[/color]" Trunks paused, attempting to swallow. That was not an experience he wanted to go through again. King Piccolo hatched thousands of underlings at a time. One at a time, they would have been no problem for Trunks, but in numbers, they spelled a traumatic experience for Trunks. "[color=0072bc]I assume you know what the dragon balls are? Well, I gathered them and wished for something that could fight against this threat. You were summoned, in turn. I don't know who you guys are, but I would like to. Whether you like it or not, Shenron summoned you to be a part of the Time Patrollers. We fight against any threat that comes near damaging the timeline.[/color]" He scratched at the back of his head, hesitating a bit. "[color=0072bc]So... I'd like to know who you guys are. Maybe a little background on what you were doing in the past?[/color]"[/center]