It was hard to say what was going through Winter's mind rather than pain at first; It was kind of mind numbing in how it seemed to root itself in everything and prevented anything else from happening. However, as the aliens around him started to notice his condition, something finally broke through the curtain of agony. [i]You are a member of House Winter! ACT LIKE IT! You still have an image to maintain for the clan![/i] It wasn't easy; Between the pain of his broken ribs interfering with the breathing exercises that he normally used to center himself and the guilt and trauma that the night had already dished out at him in spades presenting anything even remotely like the calm and collected image that the clan silently imposed on its members was a tall order, but the presence of strange aliens and desire not to let the clan down any further then he had already done so gave him the strength to suppress his pain until he was alone and could mourn privately. Now somewhat more focused and in the here and now, Winter turned to look at the human alien of unknown origins whom had asked him questions before he managed to gain enough breath to squeeze an answer out through the pain. "[color=00aeef]A fair few of my ribs are broken. Since I'm not coughing up blood I don't think my lung has been punctured through...[/color]" He didn't know what these namekian wish orbs or the dragons balls or whatever the bloody hells they were talking about were but it sounded like some sort of native hocus pocus shamanistic dung to him. "[color=00aeef]Please tell me that your kind has advanced enough to have figured out that setting a broken bone gets better results then hacking off the limb...[/color]"