[center][i][b]Brooklyn, New York - Mary's Diner.[/b][/i] Kai forked at his eggs and took a bite, while a woman trotted over, going insane. [i][color=ec008c]Oh great, she saw me,[/color][/i] he thought. Kai turned in her direction and sighed in slight annoyance. "[color=ec008c]Hey, lady. Are you okay? I can get you to a hospital if you need one.[/color]" The lady, fuming with disbelief, said, "There will be no need for that! I just saw you disappear from your seat and come back minutes later!" "[color=ec008c]You might be seeing things.[/color]" Kai put a hand on her shoulder, gently, bringing her to the seat next to him. "[color=ec008c]Here, sit down for a moment and relax.[/color]" But the lady wasn't having it. She violently took his hand off her back and stood up, frantically. "I recorded the whole thing on my phone!" She showed bits of footage on her iPhone 4. 'I'm going to put this on YouTube!" "[color=ec008c]Hm. I didn't know phones could record video.[/color]" The lady took that as an attack command for some reason and gave a good slap to Kai's face. Kai just sat there and said, "[color=ec008c]I did not provoke you, nor give you an invitation to slap me across the face. I suggest that you calmly walk away and finish your business in here. I shall do the same.[/color]" Kai reached for a strip of bacon to pop into his mouth but the lady slapped it out of his hand faster than you could say "that's my bacon." Wide-eyed and terrified, the lady shouted, "You're a demon! The ones that Pastor Williamson warned me about!" She pointed with a shaky hand, drawing attention to the both of them. Kai wanted to escape and teleport, but his face was known now. He'd be caught by someone, sooner or later. There was no crime in his eyes, but others saw one. And who's to say he wouldn't be tried for it? "Let me tell you, sweetheart. So what if he teleported and you have it on video. No need to be rude and cause a commotion, okay?" Another woman approached. Kai sank into his seat. "Anyways, people can easily say that your video is bogus and looped. Looped meaning that there is footage missing. Think about the comments you would get towards yourself than the person you are actually posting the video about." This time, another face approached, looking a lot like the last. But this one belonged to a guy. "Actually, my sister is correct. You might want to rethink your decision. People might think that you are the crazy one." The woman brought out the same phone she used to record the video. She dialed 911. "Hello? Yes, I'm being antagonized and attacked. Mhm. Mary's Diner. I hope you know the place?"[/center]