Satchi tapped her foot as she listened to Trunks' explanation. Apparently he had gathered the dragon balls, something which she had always thought was just a kids story, and wished for people to help him fight some sort of time bandits. She grinned, almost laughing, it was like something straight out of a TV show. Nevertheless, she had to consider the facts. She had, in fact, just been teleported to a completely different location and was now standing side by side with aliens, one of which was about to be healed by a bean of all things, and was talking to someone who knew Goku. Satchi had heard about Goku on the news here and there, after all, he had saved the world numerous times. It seemed she was stuck with the lot, and Trunks wanted to know more about her and her new 'team-mates'. She spoke after the others, letting her arms drop from their crossed position. She placed one on her hip, and let the other fall by her side as she spoke. [color=#FE2EF7]"Name's, Satchi."[/color] She said, grinning. [color=#FE2EF7]"You may know me as the former World Martial Arts Tournament champion though"[/color] She grinned, stifling a laugh. [color=#FE2EF7]"I was heading towards some sandy city for another tournament on my new motorbike before I got teleported here"[/color] She spoke. [color=#FE2EF7]"Which reminds me, am I gonna get some reimbursement for my bike, lavender boy?"[/color] She half joked.