[quote=@Maxx] This sounds OP, but yet again I haven't seen a sheet yet. Gadgets are akin to the armor upgrades in Halo, like the Active Camouflage or the hologram copy. [/quote] Again, it's a machine mind. While I intended to keep it's body fairly low tech in most regards (think Transformers meeting Mad Max) there is the inescapable problem that just the basic stuff an AI this advanced needs to stay alive has some fairly awesome alternative applications. For example snacking on asteroids for resources like a meatsack needs food. [u]That same basic ability to sustain itself means it has industrial capacity.[/u] I was going to limit myself to 21st century technology. The more advanced a design becomes, the longer it takes to build so for example a microsat for a GPS system can be farted out in under an hour, a full blown Predator Drone takes two weeks (and then that sucker still needs to be brought to the planet's surface [i]and [/i]it still needs to be armed), a world war 2 era bomber with remote controls one week and so on.