Xalam stood to the side, arms crossed over his chest as he narrowed his eyes at this 'Trunks' character, seemingly ignoring the introductions of the Earthlings and aliens. That is why he was called here...His last thought before his hibernating meditation must have been answered, and he was sent here...but not to save one world. No, he was sent here to save multiple worlds...he was sent here to save time itself. As his thoughts roamed over his now destroyed planet, family, and friends, the Namekian felt his throat constrict slightly, and his clawed hands clench slightly. There was time for grieving, later. For now...he had a quest, a goal, and a sense of focus on that goal that he hadn't felt for what felt like years. He would do everything he could, even if it meant being with these strangers for an indefinite amount of time. Trunks apparently knew what they had to do next, and he had full plans on learning every single detail, and getting ready for the missions. He had to stretch out his body and get used to moving around, after all. He'd been in the same position for more than a few months. [b]"I am Xalam, from New Namek."[/b] His eyes narrowed, growing darker, as he glanced over the others, [b]"My planet was destroyed many months ago. I came here to protect whatever I can." [/b]