Done [b]Name[/b]: Ralph Stones [b]Nicknames[/b]: N/A [b]In-Game User[/b]: Yumanite [b]Age[/b]: 17 [b]Gender[/b]: Male [b]Appearance[/b]: A short stature of 1m52 would be the first thing you notice. Why Ralph made his model so short is anyone's guess. The next thing is his hair: Originally "Yumanite" would have had long, brown and curly hair to resemble the shamanic nature but now it's moved back to a really awkward short blond cut, barely touching his neck. A lot of facepaint covers Ralph's features, his tiny green eyes being pushed back rather far into their sockets. His lips and nose are rather tiny for a boy's, seemingly very frail. His character model had a good bit of muscle on them, naturally given the style of armor it's supposed to wear. From head to toe there was more paint, intricate designs plastered all over the body. [b]Personality[/b]: Ralph's never really been much of a talker, in which respect he's closer to a clam than anything else. It's not that he's shy or anything, just that there's not much he really finds to talk about. They're also a little too serious, often mistaking jokes for actual comments. He's not got anything short of temper though, in fact you can fling abuse at Ralph all day and he wouldn't flinch. Even less so in a world where there's really nothing you can make fun of. Ralph's also not one to actively seek out people, only really approaching someone else when they need their help. When, if at all, you get him to talk about something he's actually interested in though it's as if all this just flipped a switch. Suddenly the now-shaman becomes energetic, loud, a motormouth, really everything of that sort. The only way to shut Ralph up when he's like this is to give him a cold shoulder. [b]Biography/History[/b]: Just like any old kid, really. Wakes up, does some things, goes to school, does some more things, goes to bed. There wasn't really much interesting from his birth to now, although a few thigns stand out in Ralph's upbringing. For one, he was glued to technology from when he got some thinking capabilities, always asking questions to his mom on how things worked. A fascination with electronic things came out of that one. Another is that he had a big brother up until about when he was 8, when the poor bastard got in an accident involving a motorcycle and a circus. Ralph never talks about it, and for good reason. Speaking of which, that was around the time he got into videogames. His dad figured the poor kid needed something to keep his mind off of stuff, so bought him a console. Didn't know much about it though, although Ralph got knowledge of games gradually on his own. Entering highschool he was stuck between two hobbies: Gaming and putting together electronic junk. As one might imagine, not all that many shared the first hobby and pretty much none the second. The guy had some friends, sure... But not really anything to brag about. So in the end he was a serious loner. Kinda figures with how he always locked himself up, either tinkering with a new toy or playing with a new game. And speaking of games... Ralph actually just joined this one, thinking it'd be a fun experience. Dear god was he wrong. -- [b]Weapons[/b]: Feathered staff. [b]Items[/b]: N/A [b]Armor Style in game[/b]: Animal hides and ornaments. The top is usually uncovered save for the shoulders. --- [b]Class[/b]: Shaman [b]Level[/b]: 5 [b]Skills[/b]: [list] [*][b]Summon: Ice shade.[/b] This skill summons a low-level ice elemental for a short while to aid in combat. [*][b]Burning ring.[/b] A low-level AoE spell that causes mild burning damage over time in a small circle. [/list]