[center][u][b]Claji Federation - True Vacuum - Terminal[/b][/u] [center][hider=CLAJI FEDERATION] [img]http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2012/313/8/7/confederation_of_nations_flag_by_rvbomally-d5kiyh5.png[/img] [center][b][u]Claji Federation[/u][/b][/center] [hider=General Overview]The countries used to be colonies from Earth as several countries (United Kingdoms, France, Japan, America, etc.) joined together to colonized Xeiliv for it's resources and land value. The countries decided to let the world go after protests spawned all over Xeiliv after abuses of the work force was caught on tape. It has been years since the countries of Earth let go of Xeiliv and it's people; but, it has grow into a 'second Earth' for those who want to start a new life elsewhere.[/hider] [hider=Territory]The heart of the Federation is located at the planet, Xeiliv. Xeiliv is bigger than Earth and it has two moons, that are about the size of Earth's moon. Inside the planet, there are countries big or small throughout the world and the Claji Federation is the most powerful in Xeiliv. Claji is the most powerful country in the world as it also has a colony on the moon. It's the size of United Kingdoms' landmass.[/hider] [hider=Governance]The government of Claji is a federation like the United States of America. Claji has thirty-six states and it's run by a governor in each of those states. The country is run by a president and a vice president along with their trustful advisers. Clajins choose their president and vice president by voting and voicing their option on the person running for office. The president and vice president is backed up important people, that fund his'/her's campaign throughout the country. If the person wins the race and becomes president, that person must try to complete the promises that he made during the campaign.[/hider] [hider=Species]Claji is mainly human as most of them came from Earth; but, the original inhabitants of the planet were two species: the [url=http://orig05.deviantart.net/0b9c/f/2012/031/0/c/species___ju_by_zarnala-d4mnxvh.png]Wharu[/url] and [url=http://img07.deviantart.net/e7d0/i/2011/218/6/a/male_aliens_headshot_by_zarnala-d45o5lk.png]Phelidiom[/url]. They were first discovered by humans, when they were expanding southward. And since their first meet, they have been peaceful and kind enough to allow them to do this. The humans didn't use them as slave unlike other worlds with different species; but, they weren't treated nice by other humans. Claji has the largest population of both species, because of the perfect environment for the species to live. However, they wouldn't survive outside the planet without their highly sophisticated enviro-suits. The suits are built to protect them from diseases or infection if they are injured outside of the planet.[/hider] [hider=Culture]Culture is the same as you would find in Earth. Western culture is the most common kind of culture, while cultures of Europe is second common. The people of Xeiliv value in freedom and the ability to explore their dreams. At Claji, the people value honor and sacrfice of their soldiers. Their culture is said to be similar to Japan during World War II, but they don't have views to conquer the world. In fact, they are very peaceful and don't want to go to war unless there isn't a way out or the threat is huge. Others countries have respect from Calji as they have avoided the use of violence. Some seem them as too weak to bear the power of Xeiliv. But, they wouldn't go to war with them until the federation collapses. [/hider] [hider=Organizations]Work In Progress[/hider] [hider=History]Work In Progress[/hider] [hider=Outlook]The shift in the universe is being researched by top scientists, looking for answers to the random shift. The whole galactic landscape has changed for some kind of reason and some are pointing to a "second Big Bang" that was strong enough to move anything around; but, not strong enough to destroy them. The governments of the world are funding the scientists in their research in hopes of getting answers. The scientist are currently stationed in Claji's capital city. The other side of the debate is that a higher power caused this to happened for good or bad reasons. Some religious people are claiming that the end of days are coming, while others are saying that they're pleased with Xeiliv and the people in it. The people aren't worried about it as nothing bad has happened to them. The colony in the moon is alright, but the government is checking the colony to make such that everything hasn't been damaged. Now, they are planning to map out their new landscape and see if there's anyone around them.[/hider] [hider=Technology]Xeiliv got it's technology for the nations of Earth as they brought them with them from Earth. [/hider] [hider=Important/Noteworthy Tech]Work In Progress[/hider] [hider=Military Structure]Work In Progress[/hider] [hider=Military Organization]Work In Progress[/hider][/hider][/center] [/center]