[b]Name[/b]: Viviana Page [b]Gender[/b]: Female [b]Age[/b]: 21 [b]Rank[/b]: Adult Female [b]Trade[/b]: Carpenter [hider][b]Upright Appearance[/b]: Tomboyish and tall look. Likely wearing a jacket or a hoodie with a simple pant. Has messy brown hair, her eyes are also brown. Reference, not exact but close: [img]http://i.imgur.com/cYb4Dab.png [/img] [b]Canine Appearance[/b]: Brown fur with white spots. Despite she being a bit taller and stronger than the average female her werewolf form still follows the typical female shape. Reference, not exact: [img]http://i.imgur.com/52tIxR9.png [/img][/hider] [b]Personality[/b]: Her sociability is better described as functional anti-social, usually making sure her conversations go right to the point as soon as possible, she prefer to spend her free time alone, either carving something (With knifes usually, sometimes with claws), cutting some wood, reading one of the old travel guides she collects or just strolling around. Make no mistake however, as she is a proud werewolf and will stand together with the pack when its necessary and she makes sure she keeps her physical form in check. Yet when she thinks that soon she should find a mate and have pups something feels off, meanwhile the wolf side is truly content with the current situation the human side still feels like she should be unchained and free to let her wanderlust guide her. On the other side it is noticed she has an affinity with children, particularly after she took the habit of being a storyteller in the nights (Being an older sister she ended up having to read a lot for her siblings) and giving wood figures or belts to the kids which behaved well. [b]History[/b]: She is from Wyoming, born in a werewolf family who tried to just "avoid" their side as much as they could, her older brother and her younger sisters were pretty content on living just in the ranch, she was not, when she became 19 she said she was leaving for college when in truth what she did was search for a pack in the nearby wilderness. Sometimes she sends letters to the old house, mainly because of her younger sisters, who she was very fond off. [b]Extra[/b]: Also know a bit about leatherworking, nothing too fancy, but just like she likes to carve wood figures she also likes to make detailed belts detailing moments of the tribe.