Oh, and here's my CS again for convenience purposes. Faction Name: SR-388 Metroids Universe: [url=http://metroid.wikia.com/wiki/Metroid_Wiki]Metroid[/url] Summary in a Sentence: An artificial species engineered to be the ultimate weapon gone horribly wrong. Description: The Metroids of SR-388 are a race created by the avian race known as the Chozo. They created the metroids as an attempt to counteract a threat known as the X parasites. The metroids worked too well. They completely annihilated the X parasites in a matter of weeks, and then continued evolving and began to attack the Chozo themselves, and then started spreading out throughout the stars and becoming a plague-like threat. They were engineered to be the ultimate predator, and they were a massive success. Metroids cannot spread on their own, however. The Zebesians, a race most know as Space Pirates, touched down on SR-388 and brought them to their research facility on their homeworld, a place known as Turian. From there, metroids were transported to other research facilities on other worlds, including planets such as Tallon IV (causing the [url=http://metroid.wikia.com/wiki/Tallon_Metroid]Tallon Metroid[/url] to come into existence) and Aether (causing [url=http://metroid.wikia.com/wiki/Dark_Tallon_Metroid]Dark Metroids[/url] to be created). They also somehow made it to Phaaze, where a [url=http://metroid.wikia.com/wiki/Gamma_Metroid]Gamma Metroid[/url] was mutated into [url=http://metroid.wikia.com/wiki/Metroid_Prime_(creature)]Metroid Prime[/url], who then evolved into [url=http://metroid.wikia.com/wiki/Dark_Samus]Dark Samus[/url] with the aid of one of Samus's suits along with her DNA. (the links are provided to show how varied metroids are) Technology Level: Nonexistent (Dark Samus will not appear here due to being a unique individual that had never gone to SR-388) Magical or other Supernatural Powers: They have several abilities, which vary based on their hyperevolutionary process. The most common forms are the ones originating from the piece of SR-388 that was planted on this world, and each one has their own unique abilities. There are two abilities that are always present: their energy drain and hyperevolution. A metroid, no matter how it has evolved, can suck the life force right out of any living creature. The method of doing so varies between forms, but it is always present no matter what. The energy drain causes the body to shrivel and blacken, producing a smell akin to burning bodies. The other ability, hyperevolution, is not directly offensive. By entering a cocoon, a metroid will observe its surroundings and make an assessment of the hazards. It can then begin to adapt to these hazards, but the process is limited by their level of intellect. As they undergo further evolutionary changes, their intellect will increase, thereby increasing their ability to adapt with each subsequent stage. Currently, only the initial stage of metroids can spread to other hexes. It's also important to describe the base evolution's abilities. By taking in air and then thrusting it out forcefully, it can float pretty much any distance above the ground. They are also immune to all forms of weaponry save for extremely cold temperatures. If a base-form metroid is frozen, they can be shattered with the slightest touch. Other: Important People: +Name: The Queen Metroid +Role: Gives birth to metroids +Description: A very rare evolution that can only occur on the SR-388 hex, the Queen Metroid can birth metroids far faster and more efficiently than the normal splitting method can (which can only occur in the base evolutionary stage, anyway). They are rare enough that it's safe to say there's only one in existence at a time. +Brief Bio: The Queen Metroid happens on the rare occasion that the most powerful common evolution, the [url=http://metroid.wikia.com/wiki/Omega_Metroid]omega metroid[/url] undergoes an additional evolution. Hex Location: 0,1 Terrain Type: Rocky wasteland Important Terrain Features: There are many caves scattered throughout the terrain. Chambers are connected by hatches that can be opened with weapons fire. Blue hatches can be opened by anything, red can be opened by missiles, green by high-explosive missiles, and yellow by extremely high-explosive bombs. Important Structures: Other than the hatches, there are no important structures. Other: