Drake nodded. "Mech can be rather trigger happy when given the chance, as likes to use more force then needed, alright lead us to this wall" With that Drake started to let the entire group follow the path untill they reached the wall in matter. Once they were there Drake touched the wall and pushed. "seems to give in but then restores itself, likely there is a door behind it, but I do not see any indications that it can open, either its well hidden or this wall has been build to close it off, either way it seems suspicious, normal workers would only lock the door not close it unless there is a important matter to it but then there would be a warning if its danger" "treasure?" mech replied to Drake. "could be, but I doubt it, stand back everyone and Symbio aid me with this" With that Drake and Symbio both prepared to hit the wall hard, see if would budge and as both fists hit it at the same area at the same time a loud thud could be heard and rocks crumbled, revealing barely something metal. Drake's hand was bleeding and looked broken though the regeneration was setting it and Symbio was waving his hand to get the pain off. "Seems we wont be able to open it by pure force that easy, perhaps we can find an other way in, lets circle around the area. Unknown to them all, in the center room a small flower was suddenly growing and at a rapid succession even. In just a few seconds the flower was big enough to fill the room and tentacle like vines were growing from its roots straight and soley into the path the group was in, preparing to attack them by grabbing them and slinging them around before they could turn around.