Ͼ C O U N T E N A N C E Ͽ [img]http://digital-art-gallery.com/oid/104/640x733_18055_Chocolate_Extra_Mint_2d_fantasy_character_female_steampunk_alchemist_chocolate_picture_image_digital_art.jpg[/img] Ͼ T I T L E Ͽ Ashlinn von Strong Ͼ Y E A R S Ͽ 21 Ͼ C H R O M O S O M E S Ͽ [color=ec008c]XX[/color] Ͼ E S T U A R Y Ͽ [color=39b54a]Practitioner[/color] Ͼ V E I N Ͽ [img]http://img10.deviantart.net/dbac/i/2013/197/9/6/angel_cat_by_legadema666-d6dpmmx.jpg[/img] Snow, the winged cat. Ashlinn found Snow, or Snow found Ashlinn on one of Ashlinn's gathering 'adventures' right after the water from the fountain had turned green on Ashlinn. They are ever since not to be separated from each other, or at least not when Ashlinn goes to the forest for the ingredients for her potion. Ͼ P E R S O N A L I T Y Ͽ Nice but with a rouge edge, Gentle but Firm, Cute but not to mess with and a open book with some hidden pages. That is how you could discribe Ashlinn. She is pretty much a quiet young women and focuses on making her potions. She never really is much of a people person and likes to be alone, feeling lonely? No that never since she has her cat that always is around her. Ͼ B I O Ͽ Already since the age of five years old, Ashlinn had been interested in making 'soup' as she used to call it. Later on, she grew more into gathering herbs and making slaves with it for small burns and such. Her mother, also a Practitioner, helped her get the right things and learned her on a young age which plants where poison and which were good. When her mother died, Ashlinn felt like she lost a part of herself, she had been 13 years old when it happened. A accident during a storm where a huge tree branch had been hit by thunder and fell down, right on her mother which had been on her way home from a long journey. When on the age of 18, the water turned Green for Ashlinn, she hadn't been knowing how to act but accepted it and started to read every book her mother had owned.