[h2][center][color=6ecff6]Adrien Cade.[/color][/center][/h2] [center][i]Brooklyn, New York - Oh hell no.[/i][/center] The blond boy had been running rampant too much today and once the lady began screaming and ranting that his customer had teleported, he heaved something of a sigh. It wasn't his job to play the martyr and he didn't ever know what to do when the police were involved in anything-especially things involving powers. There were too many biased people and he had learned to dodge the subject at all costs, he was growing more nervous as he stepped towards the lady. He motioned his hand sharply at Marla to go inform one of the bosses and nodded frantically and ducked into the back room. He tried to settle the thundering in his chest as he picked his way over to the woman and lightly tapped her arm. He was an innocent enough looking kid, intense blue eyes and tousled white-blond hair that always seemed to get caught in his eyes no matter what and he had a slight frown that seemed to turn his expression with it. He didn't look like he could cause much issue but if need be, he'd go invisible and escort her out like a ghost, he wasn't in the mood for a show down today. He kept his voice light and gentle, the coaxing voice of an animal tamer with a particularly frightened animal. He just hoped it didn't bite him. "[color=6ecff6]Honey,[/color]" he addressed the woman with a sympathetic shake of his head. "[color=6ecff6]This is an accepting place, whether people have powers or not, it's not our business here and I'm going to have to ask you to leave. I wouldn't work here if it wasn't open-minded.[/color]" a gentle laugh that sounded vaguely nervous. "[color=6ecff6]We don't want trouble and bringing the police in was a bad move,[/color]" Glancing to her boyfriend, he grimaced slightly. "[color=6ecff6]Please escort your significant other out, she's caused enough trouble for one day. You don't need to pay, everything will be taken care of by me personally but please leave.[/color]"