[h3]Grand Cathedral, Varrus[/h3] "[color=0076a3]You wanted to see, Grand Master?[/color]" A humble yet defiant tone rang out from the entrance to the Lady's quarters. Without waiting for greeting, a well armored youth could be seen entering the chambers and shutting the door behind himself. It had been only a short while since her missive had reached him in the courtyard; the young lord set on seeing his troops drilled by his second in command, Roark. Though chosen by his farther, Varrus had a great respect for the man's military prowess and his ability to inspire fear in those who looked upon him as an enemy. It was this same man that now stood on the other side of the door, ensuring that no one was able to interrupt the meeting. "[color=0076a3]I take it you've found another use for my soldiers, aside from using them as token body guards,[/color]" One would think Varrus was speaking to an equal by the tone of voice he used, cutting all forms of pleasantries while diving into the heart of the matter, "[color=0076a3]I'm ready to serve the church in whatever manner it sees fit, my Lady.[/color]" With that, the man now stood at attention, his arms folded behind his back and head bowed in a show of humility... Or at least the facade of humility. 'I didn't volunteer to have my men simply dawdle about the cathedral,' the silent thought echoing within the man's mind as his eyes opened and his gaze set upon the woman. [hr] "[color=f7976a]Hmph... Seems the boy is agitated. Fool's going to get himself shipped back home at this rate,[/color]" Roark stated under his breath, rolling his massive shoulders before returning his hands to the haft of his axe. The guards at the entrance to the cathedral attempted to take it from it... Or at least tried to work up enough nerve to attempt to. Instead, they merely cut their eyes to the mountain of a man and remained silent as he passed. It was humorous to see the peons before him cower at the sight of him, but he'd stay his hand... For now at least. If things didn't get rolling soon however, he might just have to cause a scene. A dark and bloody scene. Still, the boy was summoned to the Grand Master's chambers for a reason. Perhaps he'd see his axe quenched soon enough.