[center] [b]Name[/b]: [color=a187be]Kleo Daniels[/color] ~*~ [b]Gender[/b]: [color=a187be]Female[/color] [b]Age[/b]: [color=a187be]27[/color] [b]Rank[/b]: [color=a187be]Beta Female[/color] [b]Trade[/b]: [color=a187be]Blacksmith[/color] ~*~ [b]Upright Appearance[/b]: [color=a187be]Around 5'7 and 64.5 kg (142.2 lbs) with particularly pale skin, Kleo sports straight coco-tinted locks that reach about mid-way down her back. Her eyes are a darker amber hue and although she appears to be feminine she still pertains to her career as a hard-working blacksmith with visible muscles; though they were still less obvious than her male counterparts ([url=http://www.sophiegee.com/wp-content/uploads/hair-color-for-brown-skin-women-straight-35710.jpg]Reference[/url]).[/color] ~*~ [b]Canine Appearance[/b]: [color=a187be]In her canine form Kleo is a bit chunkier than some females muscle wise; she is around 38" tall, 7.4' (2.3 m) from nose to tail and 71.8 kg (158.3 lbs). Her eyes shift to a brighter amber-yellow; her fur is medium length and is tinged a mixed variety of tanned cream through to muddled timber ([url=http://cdn.c.photoshelter.com/img-get/I0000683TTX5arZQ/s/850/680/Allenfoto-Timber-Wolf.jpg]Reference[/url]). [/color] ~*~ [b]Personality[/b]: [color=a187be]Kleo is confident, collected and un-afraid to speak her mind as she stands for what she usually believes in. She's a proud follower when it comes to her alpha/s, but make no mistake she's all for following her own motives if it all boils down to it, she works well in a team and likes to co-operate with her equal/s and superior/s for the best possibly outcome. She's very hard working and enjoys keeping busy to ensure she remains in shape for when she may be needed in any way. Kleo, although confident, tends to lean to the quiet side at times as well. She will speak up when necessary and then hush up when she's not needed. She's also fairly focused, she's keen on attention and taking her interest in re-shoeing horses, required that she tune in her senses to work on her skills in Blacksmithing. One last thing, a mother can be dangerous; if someone threatens her young for any reason, even if he's caused some form of damage she'll protect him and can get a bit snappy and aggressive when it comes to him and his safety.[/color] ~*~ [b]History[/b]: [color=a187be]Kleo wasn't born into her current pack, she was born to a pair, Tiffany Daniels and Blake Daniels, who traveled daily and preferred the simple life of just themselves and their work. Tiffany and Blake had multiple children, Kleo and her two brothers, Tristan and Luke, and their two younger siblings; Leah and Gabe. Kleo, as she aged, couldn't help but enjoy the interaction she had with others outside her family, she enjoyed being a part of something bigger and having a say in what happened. At the age of about 19, though she appeared fully mature, she set off on her own, leaving her family behind in search of something greater. She traveled endlessly for weeks if not months passing pack by pack who were unsuited to her needs. At around the age of 21 she found the Blue Ridge Pack, it seemed quaint enough for her and she settled to spend her life among them. At 24 she had a single child; a son in which was named, [color=a2d39c]Tyrone Daniels[/color], though she hopes to provide another child or two in the future, she thrives on her career and raising her current young (Slot open for a mate who doesn't mind having a 3 year old child).[/color] ~*~ [b]Extra[/b]?: [color=a187be]While enjoying her work as a blacksmith, Kleo enjoys spending days sketching or off taking a stroll through the scenery. She's not much a fighter, but she knows how to go after something she wants and will defend what she cares about most until the end.[/color] [hr] [b]Name[/b]: [color=a2d39c]Tyrone Daniels[/color] ~*~ [b]Gender[/b]: [color=a2d39c]Male[/color] [b]Age[/b]: [color=a2d39c]3[/color] [b]Rank[/b]: [color=a2d39c]Pup[/color] [b]Trade[/b]: [color=a2d39c]Nuisance[/color] ~*~ [b]Upright Appearance[/b]: [color=a2d39c]Constantly growing, it's hard to tell exactly how big Tyrone will grow. He's only 3 in reality, but he currently looks about 5 years old, with silky, flaxen hair. His eyes are a striking blue contrasting brightly against his own mothers ([url=http://www.frostedproductions.com/images/servicesCHILDREN/5/two-year-old-boy-in-utah.gif]Reference[/url]).[/color] ~*~ [b]Canine Appearance[/b]: [color=a2d39c]As in his upright appearance, Tyrone is still growing. He appears to have lanky legs and broader shoulders than female pups of his age. Tyrone's fur appears a light timber tone, almost faded in some areas to a gentle cream ([url=http://cdn2-b.examiner.com/sites/default/files/styles/image_content_width/hash/3c/12/3c12f64b8a35cce574017149fb3916ad.JPG?itok=UctZwiAk]Reference No.1[/url] + [url=https://c4.staticflickr.com/4/3955/15502564831_a2d6362f95_b.jpg]Reference No. 2[/url]). [/color] ~*~ [b]Personality[/b]: [color=a2d39c]Tyrone is a very out going little character, he runs off quite quickly and is eager to do everything and anything. If his mother is working he'll be bouncing about with energy and boredom; if not scaring the horses her mother works with on occasion, or even watching and learning how she does her work. Tyrone will interact with just about anyone unless he feels he shouldn't, in which case they could quite easily think he was a mute. Tyrone also seems to be very passionate to learn, always listening and watching what others of his kind are doing.[/color] ~*~ [b]History[/b]: [color=a2d39c]Well, what much else is there to say, Tyrone lives with his mother [color=a187be]Kleo Daniels[/color] and seems to be quite the confident little fellow as he grows among those in the Blue Ridge Pack. He knows no other life and walks, talks and gets on the nerves like any human child, minus the increased growth and developmental rate.[/color] ~*~ [b]Extra[/b]?: [/center]