[center][b]Name[/b]: Jorn 'Redman' Reed [b]Gender[/b]: Male [b]Age[/b]: 53 [b]Rank[/b]: Beta [b]Trade[/b]: Leatherworker/Skinner [hider=Upright] [img]http://ak-hdl.buzzfed.com/static/2014-05/29/5/enhanced/webdr04/enhanced-buzz-26031-1401355002-4.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hider=Canine] [img]http://orig12.deviantart.net/57c2/f/2013/129/9/1/carolynmoskowitz_wolf_by_fleurdelyse-d64oqxi.jpg[/img] [Deminsions]: 46"x29"x8.25', 211lbs [/hider] [b]Personality[/b]: Jorn is well known as being a blunt, but honest man. He's never one to turn down another in need, but he will give you an earful along with that assistance. But, despite his wizened exterior, he's a softie for the young pups of the pack. Truth is, he's never sired his own child, and therefor makes it up by playing a father figure to wayward runts and the betrodden. Yet, despite his willingness to help, he has short fuse for the disrespectful, often adopting a firm hand in most situations where this arises. [b]History[/b]: Once belonging to a rather small pack a little further south, Jorn was born to Beta mates, ultimately becoming a beta himself. When the Alpha of the pack unfortunately passed, he and a rival Beta stepped up to assume the mantle as the pack's new Alpha. Though it was a hard fought competition, the rival bested Jorn, and ostracized the now broken and weary combatant. Now alone and dishonored, Jorn would find himself traveling northward; with no other purpose seeming left for him. He had no mate, no pups, nor any reason to continue his journey, aside from his own want to survive. This journey took the better part of a decade, but ultimately ended upon reaching the Blue Ridge pack. Faithfully has he served his new community for years now, and he doesn't see any end in sight. [b]Extra[/b]: While often reserved when speaking to older lycans, many pups see Jorn as an uncle or father figure. As such, he's been prone to gifting the pups out of the kindness of his heart, though disciplining them if their parents fail to do so as well. He is also no stranger to combat, though his mentality is to out maneuver and put his opponents in a position of disadvantage. This, however, can be overcome if his foe is mindful of his actions, making it a much more even combat. [/center]