Upon laying eyes on what was before them, Rodrick merely grimaced. As scenes of his surgery to replace his arm went racing about his thoughts, the priest truly believed that this was the stuff of his nightmare. Still, his faith steeled his nerves as he began to look about the place, drawing forth his pistol- though it remained aloft in his grasp and at his side. As his eyes skimmed the room for any other indicators or markings, his vision would settle upon the servo-skulls hovering above; hypo-needles exposed. "Get up guardsman!" Rodrick spoke plainly, "Stand ready! Nothing here bodes well." Not long after his voice subsided, the assassin would make his way to the glass before them. Feeling this action was ill-advised, the priest drew up his pistol, aiming it at the one of the skulls above. [hr] >Inspect Room >Speak to Guardsman >Aim at overhead skulls