[center]Trunks turned to the "Martial Arts Champion" first. "[color=0072bc]I don't know how to put this lightly... But I don't think you're getting back that bike anytime soon. I get it: It's your possession and you don't deserve to lose something like that so quickly. But by the time each one of you are done with this threat, you'll get payment enough to buy as many bikes as you want.[/color]" He paused for a moment. "[color=0072bc]Bikes, as well as other things of course.[/color]" He heard what the Namekian named Xalam had to say and replied. "[color=0072bc]It's good that you're only here to protect. And at least you're on the right side.[/color]" He flashed a friendly smile to the green fellow. It made Trunks a bit more content, considering it was less tense. The group had warmed up at least a little to him. But then, Trunks processed what Dimitri had to say. Dimitri spoke of the reason he was created: to eliminate Androids 17 and 18. Trunks shuddered at the memories that those two androids had created for him. In Trunks' original timeline, they had murdered the Z-Fighters and his father, Vegeta. They created a new Hell on Earth. It brought tragedy to his mind. "[color=0072bc]Ah, Dimitri...[/color]" Trunks preferred to call the android by the traditional name he had given him, rather than the assigned number. He didn't have any real problems with androids per say, but it was the best thing to do at that point. "[color=0072bc]I think it will please you to know that in this timeline, the mystery warriors haven't touched those events. The way it's supposed to be... they're dealt with now.[/color]"[/center]