[b]Brooklyn, New York - Mary's Diner[/b] An interesting turn of developments was taking place. Jason quickly scanned the woman's mind and what he saw was interesting. It seems he'd made a mistake in not scanning Kai's head. The secret he'd hoped wouldn't get out was out, and it had the whole restaraunt's attention including his. [i]Invisibility is incredible, but the things you could do with this guy's power. To think they have all this potential, I wonder what he's doing with his life. [/i] Jason was impressed by the powers they had, and the things the could do with them. Not that he didn't enjoy his own power of course but it was always interesting to think about other powers. The situation with the woman was playing out and he thought about interfering before two other people went to her defense. Their was tension in the restaurant thick enough to cut through with a blade but something had to be done. [i]Hmm I wonder if they have powers too, they just sprung up to come to that guy's aid. Of course they could just be good samaritans but I don't believe those type of people reside in the Big Apple. [/i] Jason''s curiosity was mixed with his own natural cynicism as he pondered why these two had come to defend the exposed teleporter. He pondered on using his power to erase the woman's memory but there was the fact that she had it on a video. Not to mention she just called the police, a simple mind wipe wasn't the solution here or was it? The boyfriend sighed shaking his head, he knew why she hated people with powers. The same reason she hated alot of other things blinded by her religion, he considered himself a man of faith but to the extent of the woman he loved. "Hey look it's no big deal, look babe let's just go please." He reached for his girl but she slapped his hand away. "Yes yes! It's an evolved human! A dangerous one at that please hurry!" She hung up the phone and sneered at Kai as sirens were heard in the distance. "Don't touch me you coward! He may not be like that other abomination but I can see it just by looking at him, not the powered kind but your no better." She spoke about him Adrien in response to his open minded comment. Jason had just about enough of this, and her last comment had gotten some others in the restaurant who hadn't cared about her initial outburst towards Kai upset. Jason got up from his chair and walked over to Adrien handing him four $20 bills. "Here's my tip. As for you you stupid bitch, shut the fuck up.[b][i] Everyone in the restaurant who doesn't have powers you're going to forget this whole outburst happened. Go back to eating your food, no one here teleported none of this happened it's just a normal day enjoy your food. As for your phone drop it."[/i][/b] The woman was forced to drop it and Jason went down to pick it up and took the cover off. He tossed it on the ground and stepped on it several times then picked it up and tossed it into the trash. [i][b]"Now then like I said forget all this mess happened get back to your meals."[/b][/i] Jason used his power on everyone in the restaurant except Adrien, Kai, Mallory, and Matthew. He couldn't actually use his power and single out people with powers. He simply used it on everyone except them, it was a gamble as if the two siblings didn't have powers they'd freak out on him for his freaky mind trick. But if they did have powers this was the perfect way to out them, only time would tell whether he'd made a mistake. He was distracted but the sound of the approaching sirens grew closer, and he saw a police car pulling up. Jason simply pushed another thought. [i]The call you received was fake, there was nothing happening at the diner, go deal with real crime. [/i] Jason pushed hte thought into the cop and instead of parking he just drove off. "I'll be outside if you still want to talk about that offer Adrien." Jason said as he made his way outside, the commotion in the restaurant over and as if nothing had happened people had resumed eating their food at the diner.