The Premise The year is 1944 and an uneasy truce binds the once warring superpowers, allied and axis forces pressed shoulder to shoulder in defiance of a common foe. Victory is beyond these brave men and women and they know it, struggle with the weight of their sacrifice. Slow the advance. Hold the line. Buy enough time for the German Uranprojekt to bear fruit. [b][color=f6989d][u]You are not among them.[/u][/color][/b] You're pluckers; doubly brave and infinitely less honorable arrogators of what wealth lies behind enemy lines. The idea is simple, slip passed the military cordon and get out with as many works of art and national treasures as possible--all whilst flirting with a fate worse than death. It's an alternate timeline. Wherein the Confederate States of America allied with a non-nazi Germany (Hitler died under a fateful hail of stones following a poorly received speech on July 1932 at Freiburg.) Though fighting was fierce an axis victory looked certain as the United Kingdom crumbled beneath a campaign of air superiority and an isolated China found itself ill prepared to resist the rapidly advancing blitzkreig. None could have predicted the events that forced the sudden worldwide armistice. There's just no accounting for monsters. Without the brutal pogroms that Hitler would incite there was no holocaust--but amid the countless innocents it would have claimed was subject zero: the first infectee. The sickness he spread alters the body and emotional state rendering both unstable, resulting in hideous mockeries of the men and women it consumes. Worse yet the virus itself acts much like a more potent embryonic stem cell, allowing for rapid healing and ghastly mutation. Put simply, short of utter, instant annihilation they cannot be destroyed--whereas any contact with their fluids will spread the affliction. Players won't be making single characters but rather four to eleven member teams. (The mortality rate is so high that not all teams, let alone all members are expected to make it through each run.) As such I'll supply cut down CSs. What's more players can 'team up' to be separate elements of a larger outfit or play against one another, but everyone will be vying for the same mcguffin each round. There will be a simple, streamlined system to determine if/when people bite the dust, since you can't actually kill the monsters you'll be encountering. Likewise you'll be able and encouraged to assail your competition. Before each mission I'll provide intel on what you're there for, how far (in turns) it'll take to get there and back and where (which turns) you may be able to waylay other players. When each group reaches the mcguffin it's a whomever rolls highest sort of deal, at which point the challenge is not getting gunned down by the competition/devoured by mutants on your way back. [hider=Basic mechanics] When putting a team together you get 11 points--consider these a measure of how much money your backers are willing to lose if you don't come back. This means you can either have a large, relavitely inexperienced group or a handful of highly trained pluckers. You can invest up to 3 points in each member, and each point represents a reroll they get if failing a survival check. Wounds Every time you reroll a survival check there is a 50/50 chance to sustain personal injury, reducing your rerolls for the duration of a mission. Surviving Any teammate that survives a mission will gain 1 to their rolls, up to the maximum of 3 and can be retained on the active roster. Waylaying Any attacks on other players are decided head to head here where each round lost is one less guy on your payroll. Direct confrontation favors numbers, so the defender may opt to make a survival roll instead, risking a loss without retaliation for the chance of a retreat. [/hider] [hider= Character Template] Alias: Age: Gender: Affiliation: [Who do you work for? Should be the same for all teammates.] Role: (What they bring to the team) At a glance: (A small blurb that gives their basic appearance and demeanor) Rolls: (This represents how experienced/well equipped the plucker is. As a number value this is how many rerolls they get not to die. May not exceed 3) Number: (This is rolled for anytime something bad happens--which is often--to decide which member of your team has to roll for survival. Number your squaddies from 1 to however many there are) [/hider]