[hider=Vivithe Lansha] [b]Name:[/b] Vivithe Lansha [b]Species: [/b] Human-Sith hybrid. 90% Human, 10% Red Sith. [b]Age: [/b] 36 [b]Gender: [/b] Female [b]Faction: [/b]Sith Empire [b]Rank: [/b] Sith Lord [b]Appearance: [/b] [hider=Vivithe] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/07/34/15/073415aa4d626ca00c331ed866834c0b.jpg[/img] [/hider] A woman of average height (5’5), she shows no physical signs of her Sith heritage, outwardly she is entirely human. Vivithe wears a more form fitting version of the typical Sith garb, over it she wears a cloak of a dark maroon color. Her curved hilt lightsaber sits on her belt when not in use. [b]Notable Characteristics of Species: [/b] N/A [b]Flaws: [/b] - Direct combat is not her forte, her main lightsaber form, Makashi, is not a form to be used while fighting waves of opponents. She’s skilled enough to hold her in a one on one battle, but a straight fight is always her absolute last option. - She’s not very strong physically, Vivithe is not a physically built woman, she’ll get pushed around and tossed all over in a fight. - She’s spineless, if she knows she is outmatched or her life is on the line then she’ll make a hasty retreat. If she can escape with her head still on her shoulders then she’ll put that over everything else. - A compulsive liar (which she is good at), overconfident and extremely paranoid. She’ll get others to trust her, but not the other way around. - Plays people like pieces on a chessboard, everyone has a calculated everchanging value. Not at all afraid to knock over some of the pieces if they outlive their usage. [b]Skills: [/b] - Vivithe is a very talented tactician and planner. Both on the actual battlefield and off of it. - Knows the lightsaber forms Makashi and Shien. - She is extremely charismatic, utterly ruthless, convincingly deceitful and occasionally seductive. Also a solid actor when the situation calls for it, sometimes playing the quivering victim to gain an advantage. - Quite skilled in the ways of the Force. [b]Force capabilities: [/b] Basic Sith powers Force Cloak Force lightning Drain Knowledge Comprehend Speech Telekinetic Whirlwind Force Slow [b]Biography: [/b] Vivithe was born to a very wealthy family, at a very early age her Force sensitivity was discovered by a Sith who was on her homeworld. She was sent to the Dromund Kaas academy and her new life began. It was a huge change for her, going from a life of luxury to one where she was punished for every mistake and expected to absorb every bit of information that she was fed. A smart girl even from a tender age, Vivithe did exactly what she needed to, her brain her greatest asset against the bigger kids in the Academy. When an Academy was established on the retaken Sith homeworld of Korriban she was brought there along with many of the others. Though very nervous about moving to a different world, especially one steeped in as much mystique as Korriban, Vivithe was also excited for a new challenge. She showcased a natural talent with the Force while on Korriban, which earned her some notoriety from some of her fellow students. After a messy encounter with three of them that left her with a black eye and bloody nose Vivithe decided to be much more secretive about her abilities. A frail girl even at a young age she couldn’t beat the others in a fist fight and tried to avoid physical conflict the best she could while at the Korriban Academy. After eight years on the Academy she was chosen as an apprentice for a Sith, who brought her into war. While she wasn’t suited on the frontline as she figured out after taking a blaster bolt to the knee, she showcased a natural ability off the frontlines and when commanding soldiers. When allowed to give her input before a battle she offered tactical advice, where certain shoulders should have gone, where to set traps, where to create chokepoints and more. At the age of twenty two her master died on the battlefield, struck down by a single Jedi. An enraged Vivithe drew her weapon and fought the man. She managed to gain the upperhand on the Jedi before bringing him to his knees with a powerful bolt of Force Lightning, then with the man’s eyes staring up at her in hopes of mercy she drove her lightsaber through his chest, taking his life, a smile on her face as she did it. She was withdrawn from the frontlines after that battle, fear the emotion in her as she wondered why, the young Vivithe was terrified that she had failed by letting her master die and was going to be punished for it. She was wrong, instead she was reassigned to serve within the Sphere of Military Strategy within the Empire. Vivithe was delighted at the prospect of leaving the frontlines behind, she was never a fighter, if she had kept getting thrown right into battle alongside the soldiers and battle hardened Sith then she most certainly would have died. Her new position amongst the Sphere gave her an opportunity to impress even further. It also being where she cultivated her more immoral personality, embarrassing her fellow new arrivals to the Sphere with her knowledge as well as her tendency to exploit any little mistake they made in their plans. Her first true example of her tactical talent was during the Battle of Ziost in which Republic Fleets stationed in orbit of the planet engaged the Sith Forces. After thirty days of combat, in which Vivithe contributed several ideas and tactics, the Empire won. The next battle she had a hand in, the Reconquest of Ord Radama was a far more bloodier affair, though the Empire won there were heavy casualties on both sides. This did not affect her planning, people died in war, it was expected, but she did commit two mistakes in her planning. A rare example of failure from the talented woman, she did not take it easily, as several of her superiors voiced their disappointment to her for it, they knowing she could have done better. Vivithe was also notably involved with the battle involving Darth Nyiss in which she deployed biochemical weaponry to defeat the Republic forces. Vivithe was fascinated by the idea, at first taken back by the brutality of it, including how a percentage of the Imperial forces were hit as well. But then she was impressed by it, it had brought victory to their side, which mattered most in the long run. During the last seven years of Minos Cluster Campaign is when she ushered her plans to become a more powerful Sith, not satisfied with being revered as just a skilled strategist. While contributing to the Campaign she took the opportunity to remove several of her opponents that blocked her ascent. Public embarrassment and the planting of crimes on her unlucky targets her favorite tactics. She coupled this with making friends in the right places, sometimes through blackmail, by within a year and half of the Sacking she had all of her pieces in the right spots, a following of people and a strong reputation. Her success within the Empire had earned her the loyalty and respect of many important people within the Imperial navy and army, though she has her fair share of people that are not happy with her tendency to throw away lives that aren't hers in pursuit of victory. She ascended to Sith Lord status, a feeling of genuine happiness within her. Vivithe had proven herself to everyone but herself as she was still not satisfied, she would only have to get even better in order to avoid an unwanted fate as being a Sith Lord also painted a target on her back. A confident smile was on her face when she got onboard the Kaggath. [b]Personality and/or Motivation: [/b] Vivithe Lansha, or Lady Lansha as she requests those below her refer to her as is a manipulative, dishonest woman, one never afraid to toss someone under the bus if it meant she got what she wanted. She’s extremely patient, especially for a Sith and always prefers to fight her battles outside of the battlefield, like she is playing a constant game of holochess. While not motivated by a want to feel superior, Lady Lansha expects respect from her subordinates. She’ll treat people she wants to control like her best friend, or her lover, constant disarming smiles accompanied by laughter, promises that make you want to wait on her every breath. While normally in control of her emotions, like every other Sith she will show moments of intense emotion, often the (few) times her plans go wrong, while in these bouts she tends to destroy everything and everyone around her. She rarely allows people second, and even more rarely third chances if they fail her. Several soldiers and officers under her command have been unceremoniously executed for failure which completely rested in their hands. She does respect honesty among her subordinates, though she herself isn’t exactly honest. [b]Player’s long term goals: [/b] Onboard the ship her primary goal is to please or supplement Nyiss. She’s willing to step all over whoever she needs to in order to accomplish this. On the way to that she would like to acquire one or two apprentices, hopefully ones that come from turned Jedi aboard the Kaggath. The Sith that she could have as her apprentice are too untrustworthy, recently turned Jedi can be molded much better. Ultimately she wants to amass a following, people loyal to her that follow every sentence she speaks. Whether that involves her trying to take over the galaxy or just a planet or two she has not decided yet. [b]Relations: [/b] Zanna - Met her once years ago when Zanna was with her master. Curious to meet her again. Darth Nyiss - She's a woman that Vivithe admires greatly. While she has not yet to meet her personally, she has heard much about her. [/hider]