Javotte had to pursed her lips to keep the sign from escaping her lips. A sad, very, very, depressed sigh. [color=7bcdc8]Square two[/color]. She mentally told herself. But at least she wasn't back at square one. She knew her next path. Now it was up to her to tactfully leave with her new information. "[color=7bcdc8]That is truly unfortunate. Your hospitality becomes you[/color]." Javotte inclined her head to where Belle's voice had last come from. "[color=7bcdc8]Thank you for the lovely meal. But I must be off. Every second I waste my sister gets further away.[/color]" Javotte pushed the heavy chair backwards. She might be blind, but she wasn't an invalid. She was more than able to get out of the seat by herself. Though if it wasn't so sturdy and wooden, it would have been much easier. Still, she wiggled out of the chair and stood. She smoothed her dress down and unfortunately had to wait. If it had been back home, she could have made it out of anywhere, including the castle.