[hider=Caligo][center][b]Name[/b] Caligo [b]Gender[/b]: M [b]Age[/b]: 28 [b]Rank[/b]: Medic [b]Trade[/b]: Medic [b]Upright Appearance[/b]: 140 lbs, 5'10. Thin and very lightly muscled. Very messy medium length black hair. Amber eyes. A thin face. Thin nose and lips. 5 o'clock shadow. Not traditionally attractive but plenty of people would find him attractive. Mostly seen wearing slacks and a messy, untucked dress shirt. [b]Canine Appearance[/b]: 45" tall, 8'3 long, 196 lbs. Fur is black. Eyes are Amber. Caligo's canine form is slender for a male. He is still very muscular but in a lean muscle way. [b]Personality[/b]: Caligo is a witty, sarcastic sort. He can be very cynical but is generally caring towards the pack. His attitude and personality can rub a lot of lycans the wrong way. Has a problem with authority. Will not accept orders from anyone but the Alpha pair. Very curious. Intelligent. Can seem shifty at times. Day Dreams and gets caught up in his thoughts a lot. [b]History[/b]: Caligo was abandoned as a pup and found by a Lone Wolf Lycan. This Lycan was a profound medic, a sort of freelancer to every pack in the area. The Lycan taught the young Caligo the ways of healing, along with the Latin language. The Lycan gave Caligo his name. When the Lycan died, Caligo became a Lone Wolf and traveled the country, giving medic services wherever he went and becoming one of the best Lycan Medics there are. One day, Caligo found himself in Blue Ridge, providing his services. Hunters had killed the pack's previous medic and this had made Caligo realize that maybe he needed someone to watch his back. So, he decided to join the Blue Ridge Pack. [b]Extra[/b]?: Is working on cures for ICED and what he calls the "Full Moon Syndrome". Is rumored to worship Algol, the Demon Star. [/center] [/hider]