Winter simply stared at the small bean that was in his hand. A bean that was supposed to heal broken ribs and restore him to full health. There was mysticism and then there was this... Oh well, maybe it would work as a pain killer. Putting the bean in his mouth and chewing it a bit before swallowing it down, Winter was surprised at how... good he was feeling. In fact, bringing his hand up to his side he could feel his ribs... whole and intact. This was going to take some time to process. As he took the time to wrap his head around the idea that magic appeared to be a thing that he had to deal with now, he did listen in on the conversation that was taking place. He didn't know how he felt about everything that was going on, but he did latch onto one idea; If he stayed here, he would have the chance to grow stronger. If he grew stronger, then he could strong enough to rip Cold's head off of his body and mount it on a pike. With that thought clinching the deal, Winter rose to his feet before moving his hands behind his back, presenting himself proudly like the noble that he was. When it came time to talk, was able to properly portray the calm and manner speech of someone who is used to being listened to by those around him. "[color=00aeef]My name is Winter of House Winter. It would seem that due to circumstances that were beyond my control that I have nowhere else to be and that I could benefit from the training required to... patrol time?[/color]" There was a slight hitch to his voice, as if he found the idea utterly strange to say aloud... which was largely because he did. Another thing that would take time to wrap his head around.