Behold, a Yarosmerian Mercenary company. [h3]Khamsin[/h3] Location: Yarosmere, Exact location of Headquarters varies, but always Yarosmere. As most of their training involves using the desert, Khamsin operatives are rarely seen outside of Yarosmere. Size: Mid to Small, Khamsin does not disclose their exact strength. A common theory is that their population seems greater than it actually is due to careful trickery. Training: Very well trained in Guerilla warfare in desert environments, and formidable fighters even outside their homeland. Mostly ex-soldiers, and it shows: Khamsin operatives are extremely disciplined. Speciality: Guerilla strikes against various targets, using the desert to their advantage. They are often likened to furious spirits, attacking suddenly and without warning, then vanishing into the sands. Equipment: Generally under-equipped. They lack skilled smiths, and do not purchase equipment from official sources. As such, they are forced to rely on stealing from targets. They are not bandits however: they do not steal from people they do not have a contract against. Grunts are usually armed with a Scimitar, a Knife, and sometimes a bow. Soldiers are always lightly armored, generally wearing heavy cloth, goggles and head/face wraps to protect them from the desert. Self-sufficiency is prized in Khamsin, and each warrior carries their own rations, water, and whatever else they need should deployment be extended. Signatures: While they bear little in the way of identifying marks, the long, dusty cloaks they wear to hide in the sands is often associated with them. An attack by a number of men wearing these cloaks is usually a Khamsin strike. Symbol: A pair of crossed scimitars with a three-pointed star between them. The mark only appears on documents, however. No warrior displays it, and they do not use banners. Recruiting: Generally, Khamsin approaches those it deems worthy, and not the other way around. Potential recruits are sent a message and a set of instructions to follow, and they are generally followed. Recruits are very, VERY carefully selected. While most recruits are Yarosmerian, they have no qualms with recruiting any race or nationality provided they fit their criteria. Contact: Contact works similarly to recruitment. When someone is looking for them, they answer. However, they only speak through letters and couriers, never face to face. As such, they have a reputation as outlaws despite their lack of illegal behavior. Their prices are a little below what one may expect for warriors of their skill, though as it is very rare to only hire a single operative, the cost is still significant. Though very rare, single operatives are sometimes hired as assassins or bodyguards. Affiliation: None. While Khamsin does not work for any government, they do not oppose any government. However, they often work with the Yarosmerian government simply because they live in the same area. Temperament: Neutral. Khamsin does their job, and they do it without any sort of attitude. As such, they often appear fairly disturbing, as nothing seems to phase them. Other: 'Khamsin' is a hot, sandy seasonal wind that occurs in Yarosmere. The word itself means 'Fifty', as the wind usually lasts for around fifty days. [u]Hamza 'Khamsin' Ghalib[/u] The founder of Khamsin, often called by the same name. A pyromancer of great skill, he attained that name thanks to his usage of his unique fighting style, which makes use of pyromancy to manipulate air-currents similarly (though inferiorly) to an Aeromancer. Back in his military days, he would use his magic to blast hot, heated sand into the faces of his foes, spreading fire, wind, and dust in his wake. The irony of his subtle organization and its leader's incredibly un-subtle fighting style is not lost on him. However, even without his magic he is a skilled fighter with his twin-scimitars, though he is getting on in his years. He does field work less and less as a result. He is thinking of selecting a successor, but has yet to find one. As for his temperament, he is a quiet, serious individual. While firm, he is generally considered to be quite wise and level-headed.