The Arbitrator had kept his peace, not dignifying his fellows with responses nor following suite as they arrived and some of the fools kneeled before the Medicae. Glaring at the fellows in his new found team, he was still unimpressed and such was likely visible. He noted the weapon and armor the man wore and kept, and as he began his rather long winded explanation of the situation, Atreides took stock of what he was looking at. Tech heresy, illegal under, as the man said, about any group or law one would bring such actions under. The medicae was well armed, not surprising for an Interrogator and another underling of the Inquisition. Inquisitor himself was likely busy with other, more pressing matters. But that was not a concern right now what his boss was doing, they had a very clear cut task in front of them. Hunt down and execute this criminal, and that was the only part of this that was clear. As the medicae finished his questioning and the others spoke, Atreides could see the validity in such questions, at least. But he had a far simpler plan to undertake, and that was the old fashioned ways of doing things. Interrogation and walking the streets. And there was two places this could be done, in theory. In practice only one was practical. The location of death could be investigated, but with such constant traffic it was unlikely anything remained, if the car had not been quarantined. Considering this was to be a shadow investigation and not openly done, that was highly unlikely. Second, and far more likely to provide leads, was interrogating the deceased man's sister, Lili Arbest. She would be more likely to know his latest activities and the location of roughly where he vanished and his mental state more closely then. A third idea came to mind, and he included it as well. [color=0076a3]"I will be brief Interrogator. One, how fast can it be arranged to speak to Lili Arbest? She could have useful information as to recent habits and where he was heading when he vanished, and I intend to find her before our heretic does. Second, was the transit rail car quarantined off after the event? If so, further investigation could prove useful. Lastly, was there a reason for his invalidation, and if not, who do I need to have words with to know why."[/color] Information was power, and his train of thought in asking questions resided in gathering information and putting together the inconsistent information into a rough idea of what happened in truth. He intended to go speak with Ms. Arbest regardless of the group's agreement or disagreement with his plans, and he frankly could care less about whether they agreed with him or not. He was the one who did this kind of work for a living, investigating and hunting down criminals, not them. [hr] Disarm and sheath Shock Maul Question Interrogator Leer at fellow Acolytes