[center][h3][color=ff4000]Mallory[/color] & [color=006bff]Matthew[/color][/h3] [b]Brooklyn, New York - Mary's Diner[/b][/center] Mallory looked at Matthew then back at the woman with a raised brow as she called the police. It was stupid, honestly. She was not close to being attacked by anyone, yet. Matthew's fists were clenched by his side as Mallory walked over towards him, whispering in his ear to calm down before he is exposed, as well. He unclenched his fists then continued to eye the woman who was causing the ruckus before them. Everyone's eyes were now on them as their waiter, Adrien came over to smooth over the situation. Matthew walked away from the scene and back to the table but Mallory stayed there, arms folded over her chest with a smirk. When another guy walked over, everything grew quiet and everyone just went back to eating. Mallory raised a brow at the guy as everything just seemed to stop when he came over. [color=ff4000][b][i]'Hm.'[/i][/b][/color] She thought while hearing the sirens and turning her head towards the door, only to see the police officer driving away. When everything had settled, Mallory's eyes were now fixed on the guy that had teleported or whatever. She leaned down with a smile that quickly turned into a more serious look. [color=ff4000][b]"You really need to be more careful before you expose us all."[/b][/color] She leaned back up then turned heel and walked back over to sit with her brother now. Matthew let out a sigh right after Mallory as she looked up at him. [color=ff4000][b]"Sorry that I thought you were crazy about a guy teleporting."[/b][/color] She apologized towards her brother, who shook his head. [color=006bff][b]"It's okay. No need to apologize. We're brother and sister, we're going to think the other is crazy at some point."[/b][/color] Matthew chuckled a little after those words. [color=006bff][b]"Don't sweat it."[/b][/color] They both got up and hugged each other as she eyed the guy that handed Adrien four twenty dollar bills. [color=ff4000][b]"Excuse me for a sec, Matt. Oh, if that cute waiter comes back, at least try to be friendly with him."[/b][/color] She winked as Matthew threw his hand at her. She trailed behind the guy that had just left the diner and called out towards him. [color=ff4000][b]"Hey!"[/b][/color] She'd hope that he would stop and face her. [color=ff4000][b]"What was that little trick you did in there?"[/b][/color] She asked while folding her arms over her chest, glancing inside to see if the waiter, Adrien had brought their food out or not. Her eyes then scanned the male before her with a raised brow now.