Of course the body was that of their investigation. Saul Arbest. An unassuming name for such a blatantly heretical deed. But what was his body being used for, and why? Arkaeus rose from his kneel, observing the body and the specimens before him with an air of indifference. He was here to perform a job, not sympathise with a potential heretic. The Missionary, Arbitrator and Assassin asked several questions that the others would've asked if they hadn't, but Ark had questions of his own. Especially about that writhing white mass. [color=00a651]"Interrogator, I would like to enquire about the intriguing worm-like specimen that was collected from the corpse. If it is still...alive and moving, perhaps I could examine it for any traces of power? If this...thing was trying to control his body entirely, then some filthy heretic somewhere must have implanted it, like you have said. Mayhaps I could gain an inkling of where that procedure may have taken place, and who it was performed by, perhaps."[/color] Arkaeus took a moment to think about the rest of the things that the Interrogator had given in the course of his briefing to the team. [color=00a651]"And...another thing, sire, you mentioned 'alchemic traces' within this poor fellow's body during the initial autopsy. Might I ask what those were?"[/color] Saying this, he moved closer to the glass, examining the crawling, writhing "Death Worm" within its jar, while probing it with his mind, seeking answers, clues perhaps to questions unanswered. [hr] [list] [*]Get up [*]Ask questions [*]Move closer to glass [*]Psychically examine writhing worm thing [/list]