[u][b]Luke Schwarz -- Pungeoneering[/b][/u] The antenna briefly imitated a question mark, as if the flash of confusion on Luke's face wasn't indicative enough of where his head was at in that moment. [b]"Well, yeah, that's what I meant."[/b] he explained. [b]"The only place I feel like specifically going to's the bookstore, so aside from that I'm just gonna tag along with the both of you."[/b] He thought he'd been clear there. Were his vaunted skills as a conversationalist failing him? First Gratia and now this... A worrying trend, but one he was now aware of. Arguably the biggest step in staying at the top of his game was accomplished: knowing where he was slacking. Speaking of, he hadn't exactly done much wordplay recently... Unacceptable. [b]"I'll be fine. It's a free day, no need to cut short the time we spend hanging out together. This'll help us grow as a team, anyway. We'll both comb with you. I promise not to curl up and dye while I wait."[/b] [i]Really scraping the bottom of the barrel there. But I got my fix.[/i]