Too much was happening far too fast for Chara to completely process it as it came to her, and she stood there with a greasy bag in her hands as the people that flocked towards the area began to fight over what was in the jar. She lightly set the bag on the top of a rock before taking a deep breath. "BE QUIET." She stated, loudly and firmly before moving over to the jar and moving it upright. "Very sorry for my rudeness, but I should really let her explain." Chara's eyes rolled backwards as a bright glow settled over her eye-whites. When her mouth opened, the voice that came out wasn't the harsh, somewhat shrill tone that she had used seconds ago. It was a much more calm, mature voice that could probably ease the troubles of the greatest of beasts. "Hello. Thank you for coming as soon as possible." She curtsied politely, smiling towards those around her. "You were, indeed, called here for a purpose by me, the spirit of Hope. I will attempt to explain, to the best of my ability, why it is that you were called in the first place." "You see, Death has become restless as of late. He's been taking people far too early, and presumably feeding them to the evils of the world. I am quite sure you all have noticed. Sickness seems to be more common, people seem to be dying too young?" She sighed, a quite distressed look crossing her face. "So I have called you here to help me in convincing Death to stop what he's doing and go back to doing his job properly." As Hope explained, she examined the jar whilst crouched on the ground and tutted lightly as she traced one of the cracks with her finger. "This jar. Shaped generations of life with one decision. Only right that one decision undo that which changed." Hope spoke in a hushed tone, almost as if she was speaking to her self as she stared at the jar.