Well yeah im trying to be vague at the moment. I can describe it in more detail, but I wanted to make sure the gm was actually cool with a energy source that was based on a loose science. Some people get really up tight over actual theory vs science fiction, Which I find funny. Just so you can get a rough idea the power was going to be a rolling stone. The characters body is extremely dense and seeing as they naturally repel everything they are something similar to cannon ball. As mentioned its naturally repelling things so unless its at high speed and or large in mass its going to be pushed away making physical contact harder for anyone but combat wise its a huge perk. I imagine physical injury would be terrible for the mutant, as the dense body naturally controls how the energy is emitted but if its been damaged it would be the equivalent of tearing a fin off a fish. Does that make it more clear? And I wont be heart broken if you don't like it Mr/Ms gm Just an idea im fond of, not married to.