[i]"Ah, man..." A young man was walking down a forest path, clutching his forehead all the while. "Great, I've got three days to prepare myself... Everyone else's already done theirs, and as soon as I hit 18..." The more the boy walked, the more he mumbled to himself. And then he heard something. A growl. That boy instantly tensed up, looking around as to what animal it came from. Then it dawned on him... "...Wait, where am I? ...Oh, I'm lost. Great." Yeah, no, that's totally what he needed. Being lost in the middle of the woods with some stray animal growling at him, probably because he's in their territory. The boy looked around again, his black hair flying frantically in the wind as he does so. In between the trees... There was a figure. A lone... No, not lone. It was a wolf with some cubs pushed against them... And she looked protective. Very much so. But there was one of those cubs that caught the black-haired boy's eye... One that seemed awfully thin, and malnutritioned. But their fur was also such an... Odd colour. It looked blue, but closer to grey than blue... It seemed that cub had noticed him back... But the mother started barking now, standing prepared to jump the boy any second. He'd best get out of here. Slowly they backed off, until they were out of range, and tried to find there way out of the forest... "Fell, you know what day it is right?" A woman asked while sitting next to him. "Yeah, yeah, I know mom. My birthday, and by extension the ceremony right...?" Honestly, Fell wasn't really too pumped for it. Some ritual that decides what you become for the rest of your life, and even if you don't want it, there's only four things to choose from anyway. And after that, you get assigned to a "Vein", an animal or creature that is supposed to support you... But the man didn't have any prior experience with 'em. Fell's mind drifted back to that wolf in the forest... She was so protective. ...But not so much of that one cub, come to think of it. The one with the special fur... "Fell? You've not touched your breakfast." His mom reaffirmed, causing the guy to snap out of his day dream. "Oh, right." ...And then there were four goblets. To be honest, they all looked identical. Just some minor adjustments in each one, and honestly Fell didn't care to much about the whole "Choose one" thing. If the gods give you your destiny anyway, what's the point? You'll end up with the same result no matter what. He just chose the last one in the row, or at least what he thought to be the last, to be done with it. Walking over to the fountain and filling it up, Fell toyed around with it a bit before taking a swig. It took a little whole, but the color started to turn. At first the boy thought he'd cut himself on the edge and blood got in it, but that wasn't the case. "Huh, so this really does change color?" The guy said to himself, looking at the blood-red water that chose [color=ed1c24]Mercenary[/color] for him. ...A week passed, and Fell Bleader had officially become the new greenhorn of the mercenary encampment... But he was lacking something the others had. A vein. No, not one of those blue things you find in your arm... A companion. Probably within the next few days someone would appoint one to him, and he'd have to go along with it because there was none chosen on Fell's part. What a bother. Then something caught his eye... Right there in the corner. Something was hiding itself. Curiosity killing cats didn't stop the man from investigating, though. Upon closer inspection... Why, it's that cub again? ...And it didn't run when Fell approached it. He didn't speak a word, instead just giving it a silent pat on the head. It seemed to want more. So, Fell gave it more and started petting and playing with it. "...Ah. Haha... So this is how veins are chosen...?" he wondered to himself, while playing with it. "How about I call you Noone? Your fur kind of reminds me of the night..."[/i] [center][b]Present day[/b][/center] Fell sat against a tree, Noone resting with her head on his lap as the bulky man thought back to those young days... "...Sneaky cub." Chuckling to himself, the guy scratched Noone behind her ears giving a howl of approval. Old girl had been through a lot with him... That's for sure. To think she approached him so casually, too... "This the work of gods as well...?" Fell mumbles, before rising up. Noone soon followed, knowing full well that nap time was over. "Let's head back to camp. I want to see how the fresh meat is doing!" A hearty laugh escaped the man, who casually strolled down the path back. The forest certainly reminds him of the day he first laid eyes on Noone... Even though it isn't the same one. As Fell drew closer to the camp, someone caught his eye. A young girl, and from the way she was dressed, a mercenary. He'd only recently been transferred, so Fell didn't know exactly everyone outside of the commander for obvious reasons... Why not have a little chat? "Hey!" Fell called out to Liara, noticing the large bear she's playing with. [i]Another bear eh? Wonder if she's related to the commander, somehow...[/i] While Fell was thinking this, Noone had already dashed ahead to greet the new faces. The man drew a bit closer before crossing his arms and grinning, looking at the female who was noticeably smaller than him. "You're also a mercenary, right? Plate armor and posture give it away. Name's Fell, and this is my partner Noone. Transferred here a few days ago, nice to meet you."