[B]Vega Venetia and Gratia Mindaro - Shopping[/B] The walk to upper class was uneventful for both Gratia and Vega. When they arrived at the outskirts of it, it became eventful as Vega summery outfit attracted men and women to flirt on her. Once they arrived to the store Vega was eying, Future Worlds Apparel, Vega got her jacket while getting attracted to the other future-style clothing they had in store picking taking up much more time. By then, they were many people indoors and a long line at the cashier. After all, FWA was running a seventy-percent off on all merchandise. Vega sighed with relief. [b][color=fff79a]“Finally I got my futuristic [url=https://www.musterbrand.com/collections/deus-ex/link-scarf-520]scarf,[/url] [url=https://www.musterbrand.com/collections/deus-ex/hengsha-ladies-jacket-522]jacket,[/url] and [url=https://www.musterbrand.com/collections/deus-ex/bionic-bandana-279]bandana[/url]. What do you think Gratia”[/color][/b] making a smirk towards her. Around Vega and Gratia in were various other shoppers checking out the clothing and conversing, and the sounds of walking. "[color=66cd00]A fucking bandana.[/color]" Gratia's voice was flat, but a certain sense of contempt and distaste could be felt oozing into her tone. Incorporating a bandana into an outfit was an exercise in futility unless you lived twenty years ago, and they weren't usually so bloody huge. Seriously, that thing her team leader was holding looked like it could cover the entirety of a human head with ridiculous ease, let alone just wrap around the forehead. She could probably use it as a towel if she wanted to! And Vega wanted to wear it with a ... scarf? A scarf and bandana? In a jacket that covered the neck? "[color=66cd00]The only redeeming feature of that outfit is the colour,[/color]" she said bluntly, moving closer to her team leader to inspect the clothes. "[color=66cd00]Your fashion sense just took a nosedive straight into dogshit. A gigantic fucking bandana and a scarf with a [i]buckle[/i]?[/color]" The young huntress took the bandana from her compatriot, unravelling it up to its full size. 100cm by 100cm. An entire square metre of cotton that would probably only work if worn on the neck? Just having it meant that the scarf was essentially fucking useless because nobody was going to wear a scarf over something that was basically a neckerchief. Even disregarding the thing, who wore a fucking scarf over a neck that was already covered? It wasn't winter. It was like wearing a scarf over a turtleneck! "[color=66cd00]This is way too fucking big,[/color]" continued Gratia, her tone unchanged. "[color=66cd00]Unless you plan on pledging allegiance for a gang of cunts that loiters in supermarket carparks, don't even think of buying.[/color]" She tossed it back to the leader of Team VGNB with remarkable precision. "[color=66cd00]You're going to look like a fucking Gossypium in the wind with it on your head, and don't even get me started on that greyass buckled thing. Why wear it with a jacket that already covers the goddamn neck? Even if you buy the thing on its lonesome it's still a scarf with a [i]buckle on it[/i]. It's tacky as shit and the colour stops it from meshing well with a lot of shit in people's wardrobes.[/color]" Gratia shook her head, releasing an exasperated sigh of disappointment. "[color=66cd00]The jacket's ... decent I guess? You'd better discard the rest of the outfit. But is black even your fucking colour though?[/color]" Vega face then showed disappointment. [b][color=fff79a]"You...really think so? I like clothing that represents the future."[/color][/b] She then looked down at the scarf she was holding. [i][color=fff79a]She is right about the scarf but the bandana is nice. I can wear it whenever I'm playing some cyberpunk game along with the jacket but is black really my color?[/color][/i] Vega thought for a moment. She was never the type for darker moody colors though did have some darker type of clothing back at her dorm. Looking at it, she felt distaste from looking. [b][color=fff79a]"Huh, I suppose I just got attracted of it because of its futurism."[/color][/b] She then hanged back the clothes with callousness. Having a friend who was critical, while hard to get used to at first was had its benefits and turned her head to see something more [url=https://us.musterbrand.com/collections/assassin-s-creed/unity-collection/la-liberte-female-329]suitable[/url] for her. [color=fff79a][b]"Hey check this out"[/b][/color] as she pointed to the jacket and grabbed it off from the clothes line. She checked it on herself putting on her body to see if it would suit her. [b][color=fff79a]"What do you think" holding it up."[/color][/b] "[color=66cd00]Futurism? All this shit is contemporary as fuck.[/color]" Hell, the jacket could have easily served as their uniform blazer from a short distance, and the garb demanded of all Haven students had barely changed in the last fifty or so years, if those random displays in the school museum were any indication. Gratia had yet to see sleek silver jumpsuits that were all the rage in sci-fi anywhere, so this Future Worlds Place was not living up to its name at all. Where were the rainbow-shit dresses? Gigantic pink afro wigs? She couldn't see anything around that wouldn't be out of place in a store that didn't possess the stench of pampered rich kids with too much time to waste. "[color=66cd00]Why is there a bloody flag?[/color]" And why the fuck was it inside in the coat? Vega took a peek of the inside of the jacket. [color=fff79a][b]"I have no clue" turning her head back to Gratia. Maybe their is something significant about this flag. Never seen it before."[/b][/color] Vega then took a look around the store packed with people looking at the various clothing. [color=fff79a][b]"This store is more like near futuristic to some extent, mostly contemporary but futuristic a little. Check out those" [/b][/color]as she pointed to a specific [url=https://www.musterbrand.com/collections/starcraft]clothing[/url] hanging. [color=fff79a][b]"Wearing one of those makes me feel like I would live on a base on the moon...well not possible since it shattered." [/b][/color]Looking around, [color=fff79a][b]"Come to think of it is futuristic"[/b][/color] as she looked at several posters [url=http://www.cyberdog.net/collections/future-noir]Future Noir[/url] [url=http://www.cyberdog.net/collections/house-of-neon]House of Neon[/url] [url=http://www.cyberdog.net/collections/ibiza-haze]Ibiza Haze[/url] [url=http://www.cyberdog.net/collections/daisuki-vibes]Daisuki Vibes[/url] [url=http://www.cyberdog.net/collections/cybercore]Cybercore[/url] showing that it was coming soon yet the date showed it was coming in today. Vega then put her hand on her chin, contemplating. Now it made sense. [color=fff79a][b]"It's 70% percent off because they are trying to sell their old that was once deemed futuristic clothing and replace it with those new ones. So this clothing store is futuristic...when the clothing comes in which I don't see right now.[/b][/color] [color=fff79a][i]YES, I am smart.[/i][/color] "[color=66cd00]Fucking nobody sells everything off at 70% just to make room for new merch,[/color]" stated the coated Huntress bluntly, glancing at the crowds that were in the store. "[color=66cd00]This is a fire sale.[/color]" Really, doing this type of shit on a whim only devastated profit margins. "[color=66cd00]Just try on your fucking jacket and make a decision,[/color]" she said impatiently, pocketing her hands. "[color=6cdd00]I can't be arsed wasting my time in a shop whose rich idiot owners think that dork-looking whores in bikinis is the future.[/color]" Vega tried on her jacket. It was comfy and wearing made her feel revolutionary… [color=fff79a][b]“VIVA LA FRANCE”[/b][/color] she said somewhat loudly. [color=fff79a][b]“Liberté, égalité, fraternité”[/b][/color] she whispered softly to herself. She then felt…awkward after saying those two lines. She felt like others around her heard what she said…wondering what she said. [color=fff79a][b]“I have no damn clue what I just said. Anyway, this jacket gives me weird feeling but I like it.”[/b][/color] Looking at Gratia. [color=fff79a][b]“Anyway lets go, I’m hungry”[/b][/color] taking off the jacket. The leader of her team was really a fucking moron sometimes. Gratia stared down at the other teenager with unimpressed onyx eyes, pondering on what she could say to the irksome idiocy that was being displayed. Who the hell randomly spouted an archaic hendiatris in such an atrocious accent? While trying on a shitty overpriced jacket with a goddamn flag splattered all over its insides? "[color=66cd00]It's [i]vive[/i],[/color]" she corrected. "[color=66cd00]Your mastery of the dialect is dogshit.[/color]" [i]As is your ability to seem respectable in public.[/i] Still, there was no fucking point in continuing on with this shopping misadventure. Vega was going to buy the jacket anyway, and personally, the G of the team didn't really give two shits about whether or not her team leader made sure if the jacket was going to shrink in the wash or not. Really, she was just here for the fucking food. [color=fff79a][b]"Vive..."[/b][/color] as she whispered to herself. Vega was still perplexed by what she spouted. She then looked to Gratia. [b][color=fff79a]"Seriously, I have no clue what I said"[/color][/b] making small chuckle though feeling embarrassed and stupid inside. [color=fff79a][i]Seriously, what did I spew out...[/i][/color] "[color=66cd00]Chalk it up to your folly of youth or some crap.[/color]"