Both the [i]Arbitrator[/i] and [i]Arkaeus[/i] made good points on the sister, the vague alchemic traces mentioned and why he was terminated from employment - but neither asked the question that weighed on Warmunds mind. Why the gap between reported missing and the heretical surgery? Gone for thirty two days then found with around nine day old wounds, that's around twenty days in between. The Medicae said it himself, they didn't care for the mans life or well being, there can't of been any sedation because of his damaged voice box - this puzzled the Vindicare greatly. [b]"So why wait? Why did they take so long to go ahead with the surgery?"[/b] Once again Warmunds voice crested the silence like a grey tidal wave. He wasn't necessarily aiming the question at anyone in particular, his cold gaze was fixed on the corpse and its afflictions too. After having listened to the previous questions also, he decided that it would be best for the team to split up and follow up the two primary leads. One team would be best making there way to the sister, ask her about her brother and his activities as well as any strange visits and the like. The other team could find out why he was terminated and perhaps additional information through his colleagues, Warmund only hoped it was not to late to take these actions. Warmund checked his Chrono, calculating traffic and population movement at such a time in case they were to move out soon - he would return to his hab-block briefly if possible. [hr] Actions: - Think - Talk - Plan - Check Chrono