[center][img] http://i.imgur.com/qdYPzcU.png?1[/img][/center] What the bloody hell was a Booster Gold? Ted stared in confused at the costumed “hero”, his mind racing through every hero appearance he had watched on news over the past few years. Not many came to mind. Sure his costume had similarities to that of that Starman guy, as well as his current staff wielding replacement, but this Booster seemed entirely different. The fact that Ted didn’t recognise the hero resulted in a look of sheer disappointment upon the man’s face. A face that Ted ended up copying several seconds later when the hero demanded to know where Ted Kord was. It took him a second to realize that he was in costume, so his face was obviously covered. Then he remembered that he had removed it several minutes earlier in the Bug. Panic washed over him as he scrambled to pull it back on. Tracy stood to his left, putting her head into her hands disappointedly. That was when the robot informed this “Booster Gold” who he was. That obviously didn’t fly well with Mr Gold, whose face again returned to disappointment. Before Ted himself could utter a word, the sound of barking met his ears. It would seem that the toaster had caught the attention of the fearsome Blue Beagle himself. The Labrador bounded from his basket, before stopping directly below the golden robot, barking loudly. Irritated, Ted took one last bite of his hot dog, before tossing it gentle to the floor, where Blue Beagle began feasting, calming him down slightly. Due to his distraction he had barely heard Booster’s rant about his uselessness. He caught snippets though. Something about returning to the twenty-fifth century. The thought made him stifle a laugh. Time travellers? Get real! That certainly got Ted thinking though of the actual possibilities of such a thing, his mind running through everything he could even remember on the subject, from Steven Hawking’s notes on the universe, to blue police boxes. It was awfully thought provoking! One of Booster’s comment however, made Ted focus his attention on the two newcomers once more. “First of all” Ted stated, a little annoyed at the man’s ignorance. “Did you not just see the big blue insect I just flew in here?” He moved his arms, indicating all the equipment and tech around them. “Second, never insult a guy in his secret base!” Ted took a few seconds to breathe, calming himself, before letting out a short laugh. “Sorry about that!” He chuckled, offering his hand to the so-called Booster Gold. “I’m Ted, otherwise known as the Blue Beetle. I know, I know. It’s a pretty big deal!” He said confidently, a smile spreading across his face. Tracy once more groaned in annoyance, face palming once more. Ignoring her, Ted continued. “So what’s this about the twenty-fifth century?”