Ella stood staring stupidly at the glasses-boy, whom she had just splashed orange juice all over. Why couldn't he have watched where he was going? Admittedly, he looked pretty pissed off. She was about to snap a warning when he started apologizing profusely. It greatly confused the brunette, since he had looked so angry. "S-sorry! I wasn't looking where I was going!" He had a sheepish smile now, and Ella scowled. Damn right he was sorry. That orange juice could have gotten all over her Lana sweater. He would have died right then and there. Suddenly, he was turning away, presumably to the bathroom. "At least it's lucky I still have my gym clothes with me! No harm done." Who brings their gym clothes to lunch? There are lockers for a reason. Ella decided that she just wasn't going to respond, and quickly proceeded to pick up some of her own food, which consisted of a skimpy salad, a fruit cup, and a CapriSun packet that she knew wouldn't last for more than a minute. The smell of fake meat wafting in from the other side of the food bar was making her sick, so she made haste in getting back to her table where her friends were chatting uncontrollably. Their words were made more inteligable as she neared the crowded table. "Oh my god, you got invited?! Me too! I wonder if someone's going to bring a huge bag of pot like Reiny Ferrel did at that last party?" "God, I hope not. It smelled [i]so[/i] bad, and all the guys were practically retarded after the bag was empty." Ella roled her eyes as she sat down. Parties were so annoying. She usually got invited - for what reason, she didn't know - but whenever she actually went to said parties, everyone she hated was there. Which, unfortunately was most everyone in the school. Plus, nothing was worse that a bunch of doped up, sweaty, horny guys rubbing up against you next to the spiked drink stand. "..ey. Ella! Hello?" Ella jumped at the commanding tone tossed her way. She must have zoned out, since her blond friend's crystal blue eyes were practically staring into her soul. "Oh, uh, what?" Audrey laughed. "You are so weird, Ella. I was just saying, are you going to Jacob's party tonight? I mean, you got invited, right?" Ella swallowed a huge lettuce leaf. "Oh, yea. I got invited. I might go, I don't know. Jacob is such a douche, and so is his bitch girlfriend." Kate, across the table, smiled. "Yea, El, we know you hate everyone. But it's not like you have to talk to them anyways. Come on, anyone who's anyone is going. Which means we're all going." Ella rolled her eyes at the nickname. It wasn't like her real name needed any shortening. It was just four letters long. Taking a huge gulp of CapriSun - which, not surprisingly, drained the whole thing - she sighed. "Yea, I guess I'll go."