Ren looked furiously for his lost pokemon. It was beginning to disturb him that he no idea where his friend had gone off to. This was a friend that had stuck with him through thick and thin. A buddy that he hatched from his very first pokemon egg. It pained him if any of his pokemon were in pain but Abra was almost like a child he had raised himself. If Ren knew one thing it was that he would not stop until he located his Abra. [color=yellow]"Braaaa."[/color] A yellow pokemon appeared out of nowhere on Ren's shoulder. [color=red]"There you are. I was worried about you. What have you been up to?"[/color] Ren badgered at his pokemon. Then the creature gave a point to the right. [u]One Hour Later[/u] This day was getting crazier and crazier. After Ren went to investigate he ran right back into that Cerise girl who he met earlier that day. Her and another person, Kasha, were pretty confused about a gem that appeared out of seemingly nowhere. Then there was a silver Eevee running this way in that in small circles around it's owner trying to locate the missing Abra that had been in his owner's hands not seconds ago. Both girls were very confused as to what was going on. Honestly it was one of the most humorous things Ren had seen all day but that was probably only because this was the first time Abra had gotten out of his sight today. Sadly his pokemon did things like this every moment it breathed. After clearing up the confusion, explaining that Abra belonged to him and how the Pokemon got away from him (and Kasha scanning Abra with the Pokedex, learning how it was a jewel thief), Ren was about to leave when he got an idea. Again he asked to form a goup with him so it would be more fun to travel throughout Kalos. That and he didn't really grab a map before everything closed down since he had spent most of his time trying to locate Abra. Cerise seemed skeptical, but after Ren [i]somehow managed[/i] to beat her Treecko with a [i]Magikarp[/i], she kept her mouth shut. Kasha on the other hand, was absolutely delighted. It was her chance to both make friends and explore Kalos, and accepted the offer right away. Now here he was walking along the path with a Magikarp in hand (literally, or in a Pokeball?). They had finally made their way to Route 4. Ren had no idea what was in store for their little group but it could not be worse than what he had seen so far. After all it was just another region to conquer, right?