[center][b]Name:[/b] Parthenia Boehrman [b]Age:[/b] 24 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [hider=Appearance]Like most of her compatriots, she wears the standard Vault 72 jumpsuit as well as a Pip-Boy 3000. Parthenia stands at about 165 cm tall, with a Bust/Waist/Hip ratio of 83/57/80 cm. [img]http://safebooru.org//samples/1471/sample_1754c10d62deaaec200caa7c8d56cf7f5a8d5d52.jpg?1540390[/img][/hider] [b]Occupation:[/b] Vault Technician [b]Brief Bio:[/b] Parthenia lived normal life in the Vault, or about as normal as this sort of lifestyle could be, living in a metal cave. She was raised by a taciturn and hesitant couple, people that didn't give her the attention she craved for. She generally spent most of her free time reading or talking with people she seemed to share interests with, although she never did have many friends. Her parents pressured her to take up a role that wouldn't be too strenuous and Parthenia, at least subconsciously, agreed. After taking the G.O.A.T., she was assigned a role as a Vault Technician, a role she was content with. [b]Personality:[/b] Parthenia is a quick-witted and resourceful girl. She is able to worm her way out of most situations, using anything available to get her way. She is a generally calm and affable person, always wanting to meet new people and willing to chat with anyone. Most people will describe Parthenia as a kind and optimistic person, always flashing a smile and giving a warm greeting to anyone she meets. However, under this facade lies a crueler, opportunistic woman, one willing to lie, cheat, and steal to get her way. In times of leisure, she is laid back and willing to joke around, but in times of strife she can get spiteful and her words can become bitter, caustic, and generally mean, at least until she calms down. [b]Skills:[/b] Parthenia has extensive knowledge and experience dealing with [b]Repair[/b]s and Computer [b]Science[/b]. As mentioned earlier, her [b]Speech[/b] skills allow her to get her way more often than not. Additionally, she has a basic understanding of using [b]Guns[/b] and [b]Energy Weapons[/b], although this only extends to knowledge gained from books and talks with other people.[/center]