Greetings guildmates! I saw Jurassic World the other day and thought it was awesome. It had a few points where I'd raise my finger in momentary protest but I quickly lowered it because it was just so entertaining. So ever since I've been irking for a jurassic park themed RP. The plot? Pretty much like the movies. A giant theme park involving dinosaurs attracts people, and eventually something goes wrong. The dinosaurs break free. Wether they're genetically engineered or not we'll have to decide later. So the resort goes to hell and the characters have to find a way off the island. Plane? Unlikely, unless one of the characters happens to be a pilot. Helicopter? Same deal. Boat? Could work, but then it'd have to be a big boat or you'd have to row/sail in open seas for days. Unless the survivors find a way off the island, there will eventually be a rescue operation involving a big boat and the military most likely. The characters can be ACU, resort-workers or just regular visitors/tourists. However I'd rather not TOO many people go for ACU as it would mess up the plot. Anyone interested?