Work in progress still. accidentally clicked away without saving the updates... [hider=Character Sheet] Character Sheet Character Name: Dominic Vega Age:22 Species: Dog Appearance: [img][/img] Personality: Dominic is an idealist. he believes in Landren and the ideals that it stands for. He wants nothing more than to have his nation and his people safe. He values his squadmates and would do anything to keep them safe. Out of combat he is quiet and prefers to talk as little as possible. Personal History: Dominic was born the eldest of four. Their father, a Major in the regular army by the name of Alexander, was a tough man. His father was a career military man, born in the empire, he felt he owed their new adopted country a lot. Alexander was determined to be an officer and to be a GEAR pilot. During his high school and college days he received ROTC training and was commissioned as a lieutenant. he served several tours of duty, and earned several medals before. He stood on the front lines until he was finally put behind a desk after reaching the rank of major. Dominic's father had escaped the empire in his teens, originally attempting to settle as close as possible to the southern alliance. The family eventually settled for Landren when they were side tracked there. Dominic's mother Samantha, a GEAR pilot in Alexander's platoon, acted as Alexander's second in command. On numerous occasions she saved his life, due to her attentive and no nonsense attitude, They eventually settled down once Samantha was honorably discharged from the military. A few years later Dominic was born. Dominic's childhood was tough, his father almost from birth pushed the idea that Dominic would enlisted in the military when he was 18. Dominic's Childhood was nice, He grew up like many other did. His mother, now a proud stay at home mom, did everything for her children. Dominic never felt unloved since his mother nearly smothered her children with attention and love.His father, when he was around, Always sent time with his children. Alexander took his children hiking and camping. In high school Dominic Joined the JROTC Program his school had. His parents felt it was a good thing for a child to be a part of. Dominic loved JROTC, the team work and comradely he felt while working with his fellow cadets were the high lights of his time in high school. For Dominic's parents college was a touche issue, His father wanted him to enlist in the regular army, while his mother wanted him to go to college and get a degree. As a compromise he enlisted in the reserves and after his time in basic and his two years on active duty, he would enroll in college using the military benefits. During his final days of Basic his father presented him with a custom version of the LDF standard semi automatic pistol. After serving his two years on active duty and seeing combat against several minor PMC force assaults he was rotated home. After returning home he enrolled in a local university, and studied biology. During his first few days he meet the woman who would become his wife. His wife Laura, a Music major and easily angered. [hider=Laura][img][/img] minus the tattoo and yes I used the image because of the monster can[/hider]after two years of dating they were wed, three days before Dominic was called up for active duty again. Weapons and Equipment: LDF adaptable battle rifle Carbine version Customized version of the LDF standard issue Semi Auto [hider=Custom LDF semi][img][/img][/hider] Standard-issue LDF combat/survival knife wedding ring IFAK kit photo of wife Personal Theme: Citizen solider-three doors down. ---------- GEAR Name & Serial Number: Assualt Pattern H4R-AV-M2 Harlock Mark II. Serial number 4323-123 Appearance: [img][/img] Role: Assault Normal Loadout: One standard issue close combat weapon hard pointed to his left fore arm 30mm Chaingun held in the hands, with an under slung Anti tank rocket. Hard point mounted anti infantry weapon shoulder mounted light Anti tank cannon Other Systems & Equipment:upgraded targeting optics and reinforced cockpit Other notes:This pattern of Harlock looks almost identical to the aging series currently in production. The Mark II was designed to be "The infantry Gear" issued to the regular infantry. With versions still in testing to replicate the versatility of the older models. [/hider]