[b]Noah's Car, Los Angeles[/b] Jennifer held Noah's phone in her hands and watched the video as he spoke. She raised an eyebrow as she watched the girl absorb the electricity that could have potentially harmed people at the scene before bolting out of there. "Hmm." Jennifer was intrigued, but what Bennet had to say was a lot more interesting. "So only you know? Are you even still with the company?" Jennifer asked as she didn't know what happened to the group after she [i]left[/i]. She began typing into Noah's phone as she continued speakimg. "Listen, I'll help you out for old times sake, but it's only because it's so close to home. I was done doing stuff like this years ago. I'll find the girl. Infiltrating is my thing. Any leads though besides the way she looks?" Jennifer handed Noah his phone back with her cell phone number saved into it. She was ready to do something a little different for a change.