[b]Los Angeles, California - Emergency Room to Blaire's apartment [/b] Blaire was glad her plan had worked to score her some more xanax. She was going to get her xanax, and then go have some fun. Today was going to be a fun day, she'd already had fun and she planned to have some more once she got properly fucked up. "Yeah.."She said the last part a little uneasy wondering if this would be the point where Michael changed his mind on giving her the medication. That was a pretty big dosage, she almost wished she'd asked for footballs instead since they were only one milligram. But, it was too late to take what she'd said back and if this didn't work then she was out of luck. As much as she wanted to have some drugs flowing through her system the only other option was trying this at another hospital and that could lead to her getting in trouble. Blaire was surprised by when he gave her the card. She...appreciated it, although some if not most of the story was bullshit especially her sadness regarding the high school massacre. She was still happy someone wanted to listen to her, she was use to people not giving a damn about her problems. [i]I'm not really gonna call this guy to talk about my problems he's a doctor not a psychiatrist but still...he was nice [/i] "Wait" She got up as Michael was leaving the curtained room and gave him a hug. She did it so fast she didn't even think and backed up blushing. "Uhhh." [i]Damn now it's awk...uhhh fuck it..say something Blaire.[/i] "Thanks Doc." [i]I sounded sooo dumb, ugh I need to go pop a bar [/i] She went back and sat back down on the bed face-palming mentally. Shortly after that embarrassing scene she was making her way out of the hospital with a script of xanax. She'd stopped by a vending machine on the way out and gotten a sprite. As soon as she got into her car she opened up the prescription bottle and downed one of the bars chasing it with sprite." Mhmmm tastes like no fucks given." She laughed as she started up her car, and pulled out making sure no one was behind her. "Ooooh shit I'm def gonna turn up tonight." She took out her phone and began texting some of her friends to see if the were going out as she started heading back to her apartment. Another car that was parked pulled out and a caucasian woman with brunet hair wearing all black sporting some shades was seen at the wheel. She had her phone in the hand and was face timing with none other then Max's soldier Dalton. "She just pulled out, I'm gonna follow her but keep my distance. If she's going back to her apartment then we finish her off just like the journalist, take her out, make it look like a suicide or accident if possible then we leave no trace. We don't need Bennet or anyone else who knows about Building 26 getting wind of this, I'm paying you guys to help me keep this discreet." "Don't worry babe, I'll keep your career with the CIA in good standing, no one is gonna know you hired us or the mission we carried out, we're already near her apartment, keep an eye on her, if she pulls up we'll wait till she gets here then we'll go in and make her a non issue." "Perfect, and don't call me babe, I'm already pushing it by letting you call me Katie." She then pressed the red phone symbol and ended the face time as she wanted to focus on the road. She would stay a car or two behind but otherwise would try to keep up, she'd memorized the route Blaire took over to the hospital and just hoped she'd take it back if she was even going back to her apartment. She was of course interested how this girl found out about Building 26, there was no record of her being among those Emile Danko and his team rounded up nor anything in her past that made her think she might have some ability. Of course depending on the nature of her power it could be real hard for her to out herself. Still even if she didn't have powers, she had information that even many of her fellow agents in the CIA didn't have which meant she was a threat to national security, and one that she had to terminate. "WHOOOOO" Blaire laughed as she had her phone plugged into her aux and was blasting some Gucci Mane as she was almost to her apartment. It didn't take long for her to start feeling the effects of the drug she'd consumed. Her worries were melting away, and she didn't care about anything. She felt like she could do anything and was extremely relaxed. Her favorite effect of course was that the little bit of conscience she had was pretty much non-existent. She pulled into her parking lot and yawned as she parked blasting music for a moment she just sat in the car and led the song finish. "Hahaha wohooooo we trippy mayne." She got out of the car and made sure the prescription bottle was in her purse. . She somewhat sluggishly made her way up the stairs to the third floor heading to her apartment. The car that had been following her pulled into the parking lot and stopped. [i]Ohh my goood there are so many parties tonight I'm getting shiiiiit faced whoo whoo.[/i] She made her way inside her door and went over to her cabinet where her last remaining bar from her previous prescription was. She took it out and began crushing it, then taking out her credit card to separate it into two lines. Once she was done with that process she proceeded over to her phone charger and plugged in her I-phone. She went over to her fridge and opened it up grabbing a bottle of Vodka she had and some orange juice going to mix it together in We Trippy Mayne cup with Juicy J on the side. As soon as she was done she sipped the drink and made an approving mhmm before going to chug some. The Alcohol hitting her way harder thanks to everything else in her system. She didn't even care about the dangerous mixture she was taking her only thoughts now were to get ready to go out and get plastered, the mind of a college student. Of course with her behavior she wasn't expecting what happened next a BAM was heard, and Katie, Dalton, and a couple other armed men burst into her apartment weapons at hand. Blaire turned to see them and normally would have freaked out but the benzo was doing it's job really well." Whooo the fuuuck are you and why the fuck are you in my room!!!!" She protested as Katie slammed the door behind her, and Dalton raised his gun. "Shut the fuck up and sit down if you don't wanna get killed." Dalton said gun raised at her, while his other men seeing the door was closed had their weapons drawn. [i]Here goes the moment of truth, if her power is something like shooting fire balls, or lasers then we just need to gun her down, I don't give a damn about Katie's interrogation if it's compromising my men's lives. [/i] Dalton didn't see why Katie wanted to get information from this girl. He'd stood by and let her interrogate the reporter before they killed him, and the hadn't found out any useful information. He noticed the bottle of Vodka on the dresser and sighed. [i]If this bitch is wasted I might just shoot her while Katie asks question, It's bad enough hearing bullshit from sober people. Max you need to hurry up and touch down, I want to go after the big guns like whoever took out that high school.[/i] Blaire didn't appear to be scared but complied with their demands and sat down, and Dalton motioned for his men to move around her to surround her. Katie walked over to the woman and looked at her before lifting her shades up to look Blaire in her eyes. "Listen up and listen closely. I'm only going to say this once, if you want to live you're going to tell me everything I want to know. Two days ago you started looking up things that you shouldn't know about, I'm sure the term Building 26 rings a bell to you. It certainly rang a bell to my server which is why I'm here. I want to know what and how you know about that operation, if you value your life you'll star talking. These men around me are all armed and these guns aren't for show, trust me we can kill you now, and no one will ever find out. Anyway I'm done with my speech I'm sure I've made my point across and you can see the only alternative to providing information is going to hell." Katie smirked as Blaire didn't even speak. She figured was probably overwhelmed and full of fear, she loved the power trip being a CIA agent brought her some times. Instead of cowering in fear or crying she just yawned an effect of the xanax and of how she felt about the situation. Katie looked at Blaire with an intense anger as she felt that action was disrespectful. “Do you find this situation boring, perhaps a bullet or two in your stomach would help. Maybe you’ll have a little more adrenaline if blood is pouring out of your body from bullet wounds, do you want to die answer my fucking question! “ Katie was beginning to wonder if maybe Dalton had a point and that they should just kill the target and be done with the mission. They still had managed to get some information although probably unreliable from the journalist but as long as no one else put Building 26 in a search engine the mission was a success and the director of the CIA would be happy all the same. "No." Blaire said one word and before the could react the entire room shifted violently for Katie, and she looked around and the entire surroundings had changed. She was disoriented for a second by the massive change that had occurred and stumbled back. She looked around and quickly saw everything around her appeared massive. "What the fuck." She heard a loud BOOM and looked up to see Blaire who appeared huge. [i]Oh fuck...her power is getting big! Wait no...she's not big.. [/i] The CIA agent analyzed the situation and saw everything else looked bigger but she was smaller as well as Dalton and the other two agents. The loud noise was Blaire stepping on two of the armed Olympus soldiers, and she saw her slam her foot down on another one of the soldiers. Due to her size the sound of the stomp reverberated across the room. She struggled to keep to her feet as the vibrations from a couple more stomps as she watched the team she hired get stomped out. Dalton was struggling to readjust to the situation. He realized what was happening faster then Katie, working for Max he'd encountered quite a few evolved humans since they started doing work that required taking them out. This reminded him of an instance in which the faced a evolved human who could manipulate perception an annoying power and one that made him all the happier when the killed their target. [i]I knew we should have just shot this bitch, I knew it! [/i] "Katie you fucking stupid." Before he could respond he was stomped out as well. She quickly took out her phone even if she was small so she still planned to call for help and explain the situation as quickly as possible before she was taken out too. But before she could she felt a hand wrap around her and lift her quickly. Blaire had leaned down to pick her up but to her it felt like she was just dragged through the sky. She hadn't been expecting that and had dropped her phone and let out a flurry of curse words as her last hope was gone. Blaire looked down at her and slammed her down on the table causing the agent to yelp in pain. "Yooou fucking came in my house asking me fucking questions, fuuucked up my door, aaaaand had the nerve to pull guns on me just because I fucking put some shit in google!!!!" "L..Listen I-" "No you listen I want to know who the fuck you are, or I'll kill you? Trust me at your size there's ALOT of painful ways to get killed, ." Before she even let her respond she took Katie's right and arm then broke it laughing. "Oooh that sounded crunchy like some chips." She laughed ignoring Katie screaming in pain from her arm being broken. [i]Good thing she's not normal sized, if her yell's that annoying small big she'd make me just want to kill her right away. [/i] "C...CIA!!!! PLEASE, stop, I was just doing my job, that search engine no one is suppose to know that! It was an alert on our system, a red flag, the director called me in..to look into it..look you kill me you think that'll end it. My boss knows I'm here, you think you can go against the whole government? I can work something out for you, forget this whole thing happened, those people that died their nobody, just hired guns but me I'm important please..maybe I can offer you a job, a power like yours, the CIA could use it we could." "Sssssh." Blaire just shushed her and slammed her fist on the agent killing her. She yawned again, feeling the xanax even more. She might of thought of the situation more if she was sober, and weighed the consequence's but right now she just wanted to stop hearing her voice. She looked around the room and her floor she didn't see anyone moving. [i]Even if someone's alive fuck are they gonna do call the police I'll kill them too fuck the cops uhh they totally blew my vibe. They could have killed me..if they had just came in and shot me up...fucking incognito mode let me down. [/i] The seriousness of the situation was starting to weigh on her, and she went over to her drink and took another big gulp. She didn't know how much of what Katie said was the truth or how much was just her pleading for her life. Either way she had looked into something top secret, she went over to her couch and plopped down feeling much better once she was off her feet. She reached for her remote and turned on the TV as she began thinking about what to do. She knew once the drugs wore off she might even be more paranoid and because of that wondered if it was even smart to be sober right now when she was more likely to be indecisive. [i]Uhhh I don't believe in karma but I fuck up my school and then the CIA comes to kill me..fuck fuck fuck.[/i] Her thought process was interrupted by what she saw on TV. Her friend Elena Reese, and not because of her singing voice." Holy fuck..she's like me...." It seemed like mind fuck after mind fuck was happening today as the scene of Elena absorbing electricity on live TV was stuck in her head. Then it was like a light bulb went off in her head. [i]She's fucked but I'm pretty fucked too...I'm just not on the news getting exposed..she's probably the only person I know who can even began to understand what the fuck is happening with me. I need to get to her place before CNN Does.[/i] All she'd wanted to do was get back to her place, have a drink, then go link up with her friends and go party. But after the CIA's attempt to assassinate her, and seeing her friend using powers on live TV, partying wasn't her top priority anymore survival was. [b]Brooklyn, New York - Outside Mary's Diner [/b] Jason had enjoyed the food, and the diner but he was glad to just be outside now. He had other business ventures to attend too, and he didn't want to get stuck in that diner all day. Although he decided to stick around for a little bit to wait for the waiter, he respected his work ethic, and felt together they could both benefit each other financially. Although he was starting to regret not tampering with Kai's memory, he felt anyone so brazen with their powers in a public facility was foolish and not someone he wanted to be around. Especially not when was conducting business, teleportation was a great asset but he didn't survive this long by working with people who were that inconspicuous. Hearing someone call out he turned around thinking it was Adrien but instantly dismissing the idea as the voice sounded different and feminine. To his pleasant surprise it was the girl who's memory he had decided not to tamper with. [i]Hmm she's real calm about my whole Jedi mind trick so I'm guessing she might be one of us.[/i] "Oh nothing much just a little mind wipe, you ever seen Men in Black? Remember the flash thing, I basically did that, except with my mind because I'm just that awesome." Jason said the last part a little sarcastically before chuckling. He looked over Mallory, she looked really attractive and from her appearance he could see she was bi-racial just like him. [i]Damn she's bad, and she might have a power? I wonder what it is [/i] "But what about you gorgeous? Now that you know I'm the black Professor X, what's your specialty?" He said in reference to her power. [i]Success![/i] His plan had worked out, he usually preferred to try to use his mind control without talking but it was much more effective when he spoke out loud like he did in the restaurant. He was unsure if his idea would pan out the way he wanted but it basically had as she came out to ask him how the hell he just did what he did in the restaurant and now it was his turn to send some questions her way.